Chapter 239 Another Way to Bully Women

"Also, it is true that a man is not allowed to bully a woman, but sometimes, he can still be ruthless, bully, woman!" Mo Shenhan added this sentence after correcting his son's words!
Moreover, when he said the word "bullying", there was a black belly and some unusual flavors in his eyes, and the words were even more pronounced!
As soon as An Xiaoer heard this sentence, she immediately thought wrongly, thinking about Mo Shenhan's meaning of "bullying", An Xiaoer immediately blushed, "Mo Shenhan, you are shameless! "

Also, wanting him to tease her, but not getting involved with other women clearly, when those things happened, An Xiaoer felt nauseous.

Mo Shenhan is really disgusting!

And what about myself?She felt very painful when she was about to be tortured, "Mo Shenhan, don't spoil the child!"

"He was not good in the first place." Mo Shenhan said such a sentence directly!

His son has been icy and cold since he was a child, and extremely smart. How can ordinary children compare to him?Therefore, it cannot be described as "good" at all, but tough!

Of course, Mo Shenhan didn't say anything about the latter!

So, An Xiaoer thought that Mo Shenhan was belittling the child again, and was immediately very upset!Extremely annoyed, "It's really sad that the child has a father like you!"

If it wasn't because she couldn't bear her son, An Xiaoer would have left long ago. Why are she still arguing with him at this moment?
"He is handsome, cute, talented and intelligent because he inherited my genes. He spends my money to ride in a luxury car, live in a luxury house and wear famous brands. Are you sure he has a father like me? Would it be sad?"

Mo Shenhan didn't take it seriously!
"..." An Xiaoer realized that when talking to Mo Shenhan, she always said that I was no match for her, so she just shut up!

It's really biting and spurting blood!Internal injury!
Between An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan's glances, the butler's cell phone rang. After he answered the phone, he walked up to Mo Shenhan respectfully, "Master, sir, let you bring the young master Go to the hospital to visit Miss Lin Jingjing"

Mo Shenhan's expression changed immediately after hearing what he said. From staring at An Xiao'er at the beginning with leaking emotions, to looking at the butler as cold as ice and without warmth, as if he was like a statue.

An Xiaoer noticed this change, and was slightly taken aback. This kind of Mo Shenhan is so cold, completely different from the Mo Shenhan who bickered with her. It seems to be colder and more difficult to approach, with a The arrogance of a king who is not angry but mighty!

Lin Jingjing?Hospital?

When An Xiaoer listened to the housekeeper's words, the last time Lin Jingjing came to the company to look for Mo Shenhan, and what she heard from Nian Nian and Yang Yang during the meal just now appeared in her mind.

Lin Jingjing, the daughter-in-law candidate chosen by Mo Bozhi, is also Lin Yiyi's younger sister!

"En." Mo Shenhan responded, ready to leave.

Today's weather is very clear, so the night is very good, I can see some stars faintly when I look up, it is very peaceful and beautiful.

City B is full of cars coming and going, busy and hurried!
This city is always changing, pedestrians, cars, buildings, including emotions...

She looked at her son, feeling a little distressed, reluctant to let him go, but there was no way to change it.

Seeing Mo Shenhan holding her son's hand into the car, she panicked, and without thinking about anything, she quickly grabbed An Yingnian's other hand.

"do not go……"

 The fourth update is over, good night babies~ Remember to vote for Yaya~

(End of this chapter)

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