The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 241 Yangyang's Delicacy and Caring

Chapter 241 Yangyang's Delicacy and Caring
Why are my hands so weak that I can't hold what I want?

Nian Nian was really taken away by Mo Shenhan!That was her son, the son she had raised for so many years!

But she still wanted to hide it secretly, not daring to let Mo Shenhan know, she was afraid that after Mo Shenhan found out, he would snatch her son away!

An Xiaoer's pain at this moment was only known to her, and her tears kept flowing, and she couldn't control it no matter what.

Scenes from six years ago flashed in my mind——

Because that night, she lost the most important thing for a woman, and then she began to avoid Chu Qingye, who was her favorite Chu Qingye!

When I think about it now, my heart still hurts, but now?She felt that she couldn't delay Chu Qingye any longer, and she was not worthy of him at all, so, while clearly loving that person, she actually wanted to push him away.

In the hospital six years ago, for the 1000 million, she finally agreed to give birth to a child, and then the child was given to someone else...

An Xiaoer is in pain, but also fortunate, because without the 1000 million, she would not be able to have her two precious sons now!
An Xiaoer was so happy to meet them today!

However, they can't have two children openly, but because they are afraid that the children will be snatched away by Mo Shenhan, so they need to be more careful!

If one day, she can marry Mo Shenhan, will she be able to be with her two babies?

An Xiaoer suddenly looked forward to it!

But then I thought of Mo Shenhan's words: Don't think about this!
So An Xiaoer became disappointed again, yes, how could a woman like her marry Mo Shenhan?

It's just wishful thinking!

The woman he wants to marry must be Mu Xiyue!

"An Xiaoer, you are so useless!..." An Xiaoer scolded herself!

At this moment, a little boy's voice sounded.

He looked at An Xiaoer who was squatting on the ground crying in pain, his heart ached, and he hurriedly pulled the child up, "Mom, don't cry, I know you are sad, but I should go back, I'm sorry!"

An Xiaoer was crying sadly, but now hearing Mo Ruiyang's self-blame, An Xiaoer felt extremely guilty. How could this be the child's fault?
Obviously it's her own problem!

Quickly wiped away tears, "Yangyang, what stupid things you said, you and Nian Nian's mother can't bear it!"

Saying that, he hugged Yangyang, this is her son!She lost her son for five years. Before, she didn't even dare to think that she would meet him again one day.

"Yangyang, mom is sorry for you."

"Mom, I don't blame you." Yangyang wiped away her mother's incomplete tears, being extremely caring.

At this moment, An Xiaoer deeply felt that this child is very sensible and sees everything clearly. Although he is only five years old, he is as delicate as an adult.

Compared to An Yingnian who grew up beside her, she is more mischievous and can do whatever she wants!Carefree.

Growing up beside Mo Shenhan, with Mo Shenhan's temperament, can he take good care of the child?

"Yangyang, you must have suffered a lot these years!" Although the Mo family has everything, the most important thing is money and a good life, but suffering in the heart, many things are helpless, aren't they?
"No, mom, don't worry about me..."

In fact, Mo Ruiyang has been very melancholy for the past few years. He studies with his books in his arms every day. He is a sensible and intelligent child. A five-year-old child has already completed all the high school courses.

These are all brought to him by loneliness. He just wants to prove himself to his father and make him pay more attention to him.

 Babies, ask for book reviews!

(End of this chapter)

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