Chapter 269 The Warmth of the Cross

Mo Shenhan pointed to the cross on the platform.

An Xiaoer looked at the cross and felt a chill in her heart!

It was daytime right now, and because of Mo Shenhan's special arrangement, there was no one in the beauty club, only An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan were in the huge hall.

Her hands were sweating slightly, and she was a little scared and ashamed when she thought of being tied there.

She knew that Mo Shenhan was angry.

Because she knew that Chu Qingye was her first boyfriend, and because she went to the hospital to take care of him, and lied to him that she had a fever and asked for leave!

Therefore, Mo Shenhan was very angry.

At the moment when he brought her here, there was no one there, but he just pointed to the cross. An Xiaoer looked in the direction of his finger, but her heart was empty and chaotic, like a ball of paste.

"Mo Shenhan, I don't want to stay here, I'm leaving!" An Xiaoer said, turning around to leave, she knew that Mo Shenhan was angry, but she didn't want to make trouble with him!
It's already four o'clock, and An Xiaoer plans to pick up her son later!

"Where do you want to go?" Mo Shenhan grabbed her, and under the action of inertia, Mo Shenhan directly pulled her to his chest.

The breath belonging to Mo Shenhan immediately surrounded An Xiaoer.

Maybe it's the effect of hormones, my body is soft, and my mind is a little empty.

Ever since she came into contact with Mo Shenhan and had that kind of relationship, An Xiaoer discovered that her body would always be out of her control because of Mo Shenhan's instigation!
He secretly scolded himself, An Xiaoer, you are such a slut!Why do you feel itchy because of Mo Shenhan's random teasing?
Besides, at this moment, he was angry, and An Xiaoer herself was also very irritable.

" let me go!" An Xiaoer was wronged, and wanted to push Mo Shenhan away, but he didn't listen, and directly grabbed her lips, kissing her hard with a punitive kiss.

"Hmm..." An Xiao'er was so breathless after being kissed, the two of them seemed to be aroused by a certain breath, and both of them felt a little aroused.

After a long time, Mo Shenhan let go of An Xiaoer. At this moment, his anger seemed to have dissipated a little, and he pinched An Xiaoer's face, "Remember, if you are with me, you will be clean. If you carry my back You will know the consequences of being involved with any man! This consequence will not only put pressure on you, but also your family, your friends, and Chu Qingye. Don't think that he is my cousin, so he can be punished. Let go!"

When this sentence was said, it was very normal and there was no anger. It was just a simple reminder, but it made An Xiaoer's heart skip a beat.

What Mo Shenhan said was not a joke!

An Xiaoer thought about his last sentence "If you get involved with any man behind my back, you will know the consequences. The consequences will not only put pressure on you, but also your family, your friends, and Chu Qing Ye, don't think that he can be let go just because he is my cousin."

Her heart was a little tense.

She nodded obediently, because she knew Mo Shenhan's warning, and also knew that she didn't have the ability to gamble!
Besides, An Xiaoer didn't like to provoke men everywhere, the warnings he said were just a gentle reminder, even if he didn't say it, An Xiaoer would abide by it.

"Mo Shenhan, I really don't. It's true that Chu Qingye is my first love, but I haven't seen him for six years. Six years, isn't it enough to forget someone? I really don't love him anymore. "

 Ask for collection, ask for reward!

(End of this chapter)

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