The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 279 If you talk about love, do you really love me?

Chapter 279 If you talk about love, do you really love me?
"Just now, did your heart flutter and you like me?" Mo Shenhan's words made An Xiaoer stunned for a long time!

In fact, he really likes Mo Shenhan, besides, how could it start from this moment?

An Xiaoer withdrew her gaze, "Mo Shenhan, I beg you, since we have a relationship, it's just a simple relationship, and no one should be emotional. Of course, I know you won't be emotional! So, in the future, we will Don't mention the word 'like' again? Okay?"

Originally, when Mo Shenhan asked the word 'like' later, he looked forward to it, but An Xiaoer said that, and the atmosphere became awkward in vain.

"Why?" These three words were indifferent and cold, coming from Mo Shenhan's mouth.

An Xiaoer just felt ironic, "Mo Shenhan, how many people have you told these two words? Me? Lin Jingjing? Mu Xiyue? And all kinds of women? Like in love, you can only For someone, do you know? Besides, you said, it is impossible to marry you, since I can’t get married, why should I love someone who can’t marry me?”

Because of anger, I said this sentence in one brain!

Mo Shenhan was silent. It turned out that An Xiaoer was thinking so much!
The car was parked on the side of the road, and Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer were silent for a while in the car, without speaking.

Mo Shenhan didn't intend to drive the car away either.

An Xiaoer was a little worried, why didn't she leave?What if Mo Shenhan sees Lin Xiaoxiao taking Mo Ruiyang to school after a while?
In that case, everything will be exposed, and my son will no longer belong to me!
An Xiaoer began to panic.

"I only told you 'like', and I only told you to fall in love!" After a long time, Mo Shenhan finally said this!

However, An Xiaoer didn't have the heart to listen right now, she just wanted to tell Mo Shenhan to leave here quickly!

"Mo Shenhan, I'm so hungry! It's almost 07:30 and we haven't had breakfast yet. Let's go have breakfast and talk while we eat."

Thinking of an excuse, he finally said.

"Well, I originally wanted to take you to have breakfast." Mo Shenhan replied.

So, the car drove away, slowly heading towards a place.

An Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief, remembering what Mo Shenhan said just now, he only told her that he wanted to have a relationship with her, An Xiaoer always felt incredible, thinking that he was lying to herself!

Besides, Mo Shenhan would not marry her, so why should An Xiaoer waste her feelings?

Although, An Xiaoer actually planned not to get married, as long as she took her son with her, it was different when she was alone and didn't want to get married when she was two!

There is a deer in my heart, and I can't control my restless heart.

So, either don't get in touch or get married, this is much better than occasionally looking forward to reminding yourself occasionally, and forgetting what you want in the end.

Although, during this period of time, I really fell in love with Mo Shenhan, although I was really looking forward to it, but also disappointed, it seems that I can't control my heart anymore.

However, she still tried her best to tell herself to control herself well, so that she would not lose her sense of proportion and radius.

Mo Shenhan took him to a place for breakfast. It was a relatively old-fashioned courtyard, and it said, Piaoxiang Noodle House.

At the moment, there is no one inside. The boss is an uncle who looks like he is in his 40s, and he just plays with his mobile phone inside.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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