Chapter 285 Buy An Xiaoer Aunt Towel
"Of course I'll buy you a aunt's towel." Mo Shenhan only answered An Xiaoer perfunctorily, "He's handsome, so we just talked for a long time."


An Xiaoer was so pissed off by Mo Shenhan, what did Mo Shenhan mean, that lady boss was pestering him?
For someone as cold as Mo Shenhan, is the proprietress really so courageous to pester him?

But, after all, An Xiaoer didn't think so much. Although she was worried that Mo Shenhan would doubt herself, she felt that it shouldn't be so!

Besides, the proprietress doesn't know anything, does she?
The simple An Xiaoer never thought that Mo Shenhan had already started to doubt her. She even started to speculate from the moment the investigation found that she and Chu Qingye were in the park and passers-by said there was a little boy. up.

Although Mo Shenhan felt that something was wrong, he was smart enough not to startle the snake, but planned to investigate the matter secretly.

An Xiaoer seems to hide a lot of secrets!

Better not let her find out bad news about her!

"Why don't you hurry up and put on the M towel? You want to pay for my car wash, don't you?" Mo Shen said this in a cold hum!

Scared by Mo Shenhan's words, An Xiaoer quickly took the M towel, got into the back seat of the car, and changed the M towel there in embarrassment.

Isn't it just a big aunt?He also threatened her that she would pay him to wash the car. This man is really shameless!

Besides, An Xiaoer didn't dirty Mo Shenhan's car at all, his car wasn't even stained with so much aunt's liquid, okay?

Wash the car, wash the woolen car!
After changing, An Xiaoer's face was already flushed. It was the first time she changed her M towel in the car, and it was also the first time she changed her M towel in front of Mo Shenhan. It was so embarrassing and embarrassing!
In short, An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan with an embarrassed face, biting her lower lip, always feeling ashamed and embarrassed!

Mo Shenhan just gave her a blank look, and finally asked, "Do you want to buy brown sugar water?"

"Ah?" An Xiaoer was stunned for a while before she realized what Mo Shenhan meant. She was worried that she would have a stomachache and wanted to buy brown sugar water to relieve the pain?
"No, no need, I'm fine." An Xiaoer quickly shook her head, how dare she keep bothering this great god?

Buying an aunt's towel, An Xiaoer felt very scared, Mo Shenhan!He's Mo Shenhan, he actually went to buy a m towel for himself!
Mo Shenhan should have never done such a thing, right?

And now?Want to buy brown sugar water for her?

An Xiaoer's impression of Mo Shenhan has always been that he is cold and dark-hearted. She never thought that one day, he would suddenly transform into a warm man, buying m towels and brown sugar water!

What an unbelievable thing!

"Oh~" Seeing An Xiaoer's rejection so quickly, Mo Shenhan's expression was slightly displeased!
She really doesn't need him at all!
Mo Shenhan drove to the company.

"Get out of the car, you go up first, I have something to do." Mo Shenhan just said this, and then opened the car door for An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer got out of the car, put the bag of things that Mo Shenhan bought into the bag, and went to work!
If he doesn't go with her, it's too late for her to be happy!
Don't bother her with any gossip.

And what about Mo Shenhan?
After Mo Shenhan got out of the car, he walked towards the nearby pharmacy, told the clerk to buy brown sugar water, and only returned to the company after buying it. This is what Mo Shenhan said, I have something to do!
Mo Shenhan is not indifferent, it's just that he seldom has people who specifically care about him, because he is not used to caring for others, so he is not used to caring for others, and finally thinks about caring for others, and when others refuse, he just says, I There is something else, you go first!
(End of this chapter)

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