The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 287 Drooling Mode Brown Sugar Water

Chapter 287 Drooling Mode Brown Sugar Water

"President!" Lin Xi was immediately annoyed when she heard Mo Shenhan say this, "President, it's An Xiaoer who doesn't want to do it, don't believe her!"

However, Mo Shenhan didn't pay attention to Lin Xi's words at all, and just went to his office with a cold face.

Lin Xi gritted her teeth secretly, and glared at An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer gave her a bright smile back, and Lin Xi was so angry that she almost vomited blood!

But at this time, An Xiaoer took advantage of the victory and pursued her. Looking like a good person, she gently took Lin Xi's hand, "Secretary Lin, this handkerchief, take care of it. If it falls off, it needs to be washed again."

"You..." Lin Xi gritted her teeth, took the handkerchief, and shook off An Xiaoer's hand!

An Xiaoer almost died laughing, and went back to her computer to sit down.

Mo Shenhan was on the side, looking at An Xiaoer's shy look, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips inadvertently.

On the bright side, no one can take advantage of her, right?

An Xiaoer turned on the computer.

As soon as she opened it, the picture on the desktop was the photo of the ancient tree, and An Xiaoer blushed immediately!
Oh my god, it's just this picture. If it wasn't for this picture, why would Mo Shenhan do such a thing to him suddenly?

An Xiaoer was so embarrassed, she hurriedly wanted to change the picture, but before it was too late, Mo Shenhan had already walked over to her!

"What are you looking at? Why is your face so red?" He clearly knew, and guessed what An Xiaoer was thinking, but he insisted on asking the question knowingly!

An Xiaoer scolded Mo Shenhan in her heart: Don't you know?Don't you know?Also ask me what to do?
However, she still had to pretend to be cute on the surface, and smiled, "No, it's nothing!"

Pack?Who wouldn't?

But Mo Shenhan is more shameless than An Xiaoer!
He suddenly lowered his body and whispered into An Xiaoer's ear, "Have you thought about it again? But not today~"

Think, miss you paralyzed!

An Xiaoer is so angry!

"Mo Shenhan!" He hummed and called Mo Shenhan's name, his voice was a bit sharp!

Lin Xi, who was wiping Mo Shenhan's table, was immediately displeased when she heard this, "An Xiaoer, you dare to murder the CEO?!"

When she was cleaning the table just now, she saw the ambiguity between Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer, the hatred in her heart!

But An Xiao'er turned out to be fierce and cold. She found an opportunity and quickly brushed up her presence!
She had a feeling that the president treated An Xiaoer a little differently, he seemed to be a little bit protective, the always impartial president always asked her to do this and that because of An Xiaoer, just like today, An Xiaoer was originally here to clean Hygiene, but in the end she did it!
If Lin Xi was smarter, she should know that she shouldn't provoke An Xiaoer, but a woman's jealousy will make people stupid and irrational, so she always fights against An Xiaoer everywhere!

"Lin Xi, go out first when you're done, I have something to settle with An Xiaoer!"

Mo Shenhan said this leisurely!

This made Lin Xi a little confused. Since it was a settlement, then it was a settlement, right?
However, Mo Shenhan didn't seem to mean that.

Regardless, just now An Xiaoer turned out to be fierce to Mo Shenhan, and with other people around, Mo Shenhan would definitely feel sorry for his face, so he must settle the score with An Xiaoer!

Anyway, she was done with her work, so Lin Xi went out obediently.

It's a pity that Lin Xi got it wrong again.

Mo Shenhan just handed the quilt to An Xiaoer, "Drink this up!"

It's brown sugar water!

(End of this chapter)

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