The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 296 Mo Shenhan Fights An Xiaoer's Injustice!

Chapter 296 Mo Shenhan Fights An Xiaoer's Injustice!
So, Lin Xi went to try it.

However, Lin Xi didn't dare to try it blatantly, but sometimes she would suddenly look at the president deliberately, or deliberately dress up sexy and enchanting, wearing low-cut clothes and so on.

There was even a company party where she got drunk on purpose and pestered Mo Shenhan.

But in the end, Mo Shenhan didn't even look at her more!
Afterwards these things were left alone.

For so many years, Mo Shenhan has never had anything other than business affairs with anyone in the company.

She thought, Mo Shenhan might have a clear distinction between public and private, and would not have that kind of involvement with people inside the company.

Lin Xi just paid attention to Mo Shenhan silently, from the very beginning.

But, now, he is 27 years old!

She is also 26 years old!
She thinks she is very good. She joined the Moyu Group after graduating from a famous university at the age of 19. At that time, she was recognized by many people with her outstanding performance. During the seven years in the company, she worked hard and sat down. Quietly beside Mo Shenhan, working for him, watching him quietly, paying attention to him.

Even though Mo Shenhan never glanced at her from the beginning to the end, Lin Xi has been paying attention to Mo Shenhan.

However, at this moment, I originally thought that Mo Shenhan would not be emotionally involved with anyone in the company, but I didn't expect to see Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer openly kissing in the office!

Lin Xi's lungs were about to explode!
An Xiao'er is indeed a coquettish fox, who seduces whomever she sees!

The kiss was in full swing, when suddenly someone came in, Mo Shenhan glared at Lin Xi, "Lin Xi, when is it your turn to talk nonsense about my business?"

In a word, cold and ruthless!

Lin Xi didn't know what to do. She was too anxious just now, and when she was anxious, she said the wrong thing. Just now, she seemed to have said too much.

However, where did she say too much, it was clearly An Xiaoer...

At this time, Lin Xi became a little anxious, and looked at Mo Shenhan, a little unwilling and wronged, "CEO, don't you know that many people in the company say that An Xiaoer seduces people everywhere, CEO, this woman is disgusting, don't you?" Be deceived by her!"

Lin Xi said these words unwillingly, and An Xiaoer was suddenly a little angry!
Obviously I have never done anything, but I have to be said to seduce people everywhere, and I can't wash myself away by jumping into the Yellow River!

An Xiaoer was also very angry at being wronged, "Lin Xi, you say that I seduce people everywhere without any proof, do you mean that you don't like men and have mutated?"

It's fine to say bad things about her behind her back, but now she said it openly, An Xiaoer is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated by others.

"Everyone says that!" Of course, Lin Xi had no proof, but she said it with certainty.

"Everyone says that?" This sentence was asked by Mo Shenhan!
His gaze was cold, hiding his anger, and when An Xiaoer looked at it, he froze for a moment.

Mo Shenhan is trying to stand up for her?Or do you want to ask her to blame her?

Lin Xi couldn't figure out what Mo Shenhan meant, and she didn't know what to do. She thought, the CEO actually kissed An Xiaoer together, so, has it already...

Thinking of the latter, Lin Xi was very angry, but in front of Mo Shenhan, she didn't dare to be presumptuous, so she could only say, "Many people in the company say that. I don't know who it is, but I just heard some rumors."

Those rumors were spread by those who didn't like An Xiaoer, but they still pretended to be innocent and pretended not to know.

"Then go and check, I'll see who said it!" Mo Shenhan said, and put it down, his voice was so cold that it made people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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