The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 354 You live with me, and the children

Chapter 354 You live with me, and the children

Seeing his sudden smile, An Xiaoer was stunned.

Is Mo Shenhan happy that she didn't betray him?
But after all, I still couldn't hide it.

Mo Shenhan guessed because of An Yi's quick talk.

I don't know what consequences it will bring to Anshi.

"Father, it was the old man who threatened mom with Yang Yang, that's why mom was forced to agree to him." An Yingnian refused to listen to her mother again, and said such words to Mo Shenhan.

"Nian Nian is so good!" Mo Shenhan touched the child's head, "If anything happens in the future, you must tell Dad, you can't listen to your mother, keep it from me, do you know, you have to trust Dad, he will protect you Good for you."

Mo Shenhan patted the child's head. When he said these words, An Xiaoer looked at him, and her heart suddenly felt vague. When he just said those words, she suddenly felt very safe.

Compared to the despair she looked at him when she just woke up, she doesn't hate him so much at this moment.

Is it because of the children?Because there are two cute and smart children between him and her?

An Xiaoer smiled lightly, looked at Mo Shenhan, "I didn't mean to hide it from you."

"Then you didn't mean to?" Mo Shenhan turned his head to look at An Xiaoer, raised his eyebrows and suddenly chuckled.

He is teasing her!
This is An Xiaoer's first instinct.

Where is this unintentional?In fact, it was intentional to hide it from him, and that was also intentional.

An Xiaoer said with a guilty conscience, "Yes..."

Mo Shenhan didn't answer anymore, thinking to himself, An Xiaoer really dare to say yes?
How courageous!

Days go by.

A week later, An Xiaoer was finally discharged from the hospital.

In fact, she could have been discharged from the hospital a long time ago, but Mo Shenhan just tortured her, saying that she should be checked if she is worried, and she will go back after being recuperated and fine.

Under the persuasion of the babies, he finally reluctantly agreed.

When she was discharged from the hospital, Mo Shenhan personally drove to pick her up.

He suddenly transformed into a warm man, and An Xiaoer really didn't get used to it.

After getting into the car, Mo Shenhan drove straight away.

Driving slowly, An Xiaoer found that the direction of the car was not her home at all.

"Mo Shenhan, where are you taking me?" An Xiaoer was puzzled.

"Go to my place, Niannian and Yangyang both live there." Mo Shenghan said that he used her children to lure her to live with him.

"From now on...will the child live with you?" An Xiaoer looked up at Mo Shenhan and asked nervously.

"Well, it's too unsafe to live with you." Mo Shenhan replied simply.

An Xiaoer's heart suddenly felt bitter.

In fact, Mo Shenhan took the child away indirectly, not letting the child stay by her side.

Will he not be able to have the right to adopt the child in the future?
When I think of this, I suddenly feel flustered.

That is her child!She was born.

"Mo Shenhan, the custody of the child..." There was a sudden grievance in the eyes looking at Mo Shenhan.

"Leave this question aside, you can still watch the children. I didn't let you watch them, but it's really not safe for the children to follow you. You see, Yangyang was kidnapped last time, right?" Mo Shenhan Said.

Indeed, if the child follows him, safety is guaranteed, and the future will definitely be very good. Eat well, drink well, everything is excellent!
These are things that An Xiaoer can't give, but her heart is depressed because of this.

 31nd update~ Babies, today is the [-]st, and tomorrow is the new year!I wish you all success in the new year!What you like, what you want, you have to work hard for it~
  Also, the monthly pass, it’s the last day, if you have a monthly pass, give it to me~

(End of this chapter)

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