The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 402 Thank you for Mo Shenhan's behavior, do you like it?

Chapter 402 Thank you for Mo Shenhan's behavior, do you like it?
"I bought it for my girlfriend, are you?" Mo Shenhan said lightly.

An Xiaoer was entangled to death, oh my god, should I say yes, or should I say no?

In fact, she took the initiative to "attack" Mo Shenhan last night. Although she didn't say yes, she did it in her actions and in her heart!

However, An Xiaoer just didn't want to reply so quickly, anyway, Mo Shenhan promised to give her ten days!

Therefore, An Xiaoer didn't want to make a decision so quickly, and waited until the deadline to answer him.

However, looking at the breakfast now, An Xiaoer's heart, her stomach, was fighting her!
"Hurry up and promise, hurry up and promise, if you promise, you can have porridge!"

An Xiaoer swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"How can you sell your own happiness just for one bite of food? An Xiaoer, you can't agree!" Another voice in my heart remembered it again filled with righteous indignation.

An Xiaoer is so torn!
Seeing Mo Shenhan's black-bellied smile, his eyes were unpredictable, and he looked at her arrogantly and domineeringly, An Xiaoer was very spineless, and said:
"I, I, I... can I finish eating before answering your question?"

"No!" Mo Shenhan shook his head arrogantly, trying to blackmail?Do you really think he is a fool?

However, in fact, Mo Shenhan only wanted to make things difficult for An Xiaoer, not because she had to agree to eat it.

Obviously, An Xiaoer would not agree just for a bowl of porridge, and he knew this very well.

One of the major characteristics of An Xiaoer's personality: she regards money as dung and dignity as life!

Mo Shenhan has already seen this point clearly.

Mo Shenhan knew that she didn't have breakfast, so he bought it for her specially.

However, Mo Shenhan just wanted to amuse her.

An Xiaoer just stared at the bowl of porridge in a daze, and finally shook her head, "You said you would give me ten days, so you can't make things difficult for me, and I won't give in just for a bowl of porridge!"

After An Xiaoer said this!The mouth is pouting, like a cute child, cute.

Mo Shenhan laughed immediately, pinching her little cheek dotingly, "I bought it for you, eat it quickly, don't wait until it's cold!"

When An Xiaoer heard it, she was very excited immediately, "Really? Did you really buy it for me?"

An Xiaoer's face was filled with surprise, very, very happy!

Mo Shenhan nodded, "How can Miss An thank me?"

"Mr. Mo, how about I treat you to dinner tonight?"

An Xiaoer couldn't wait to take the bowl of porridge, and said while eating.

Because he eats and talks, he can't speak clearly, and his cute appearance is very funny.

"Please eat, how insincere is that?" Mo Shenhan shook his head, not agreeing to this thank you.

"Then what do you want to do?" An Xiaoer glared at Mo Shenhan, without sincerity?It would be nice to invite you to eat, I still feel bad about money!

An Xiaoer actually likes money very much. Although she just pretends to be noble and doesn't want some money, she would rather die than submit. It hurts so much to think about that scene!

"I don't want to do anything, just treat me to dinner, just make it for me." Mo Shenhan said.

Depend on!
To cook for Mo Shenhan?

That's all, after all, cooking is much more economical than treating someone to dinner!

"Okay, I promise you!" An Xiaoer readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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