The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 431 Rest assured, I will take care of it

Chapter 431 Rest assured, I will take care of it
"When we go back and pick a suitable date, we will get a certificate and hold a wedding!" Mo Shenhan said.

He held An Xiaoer's big hand very strongly, as if it could make An Xiaoer feel at ease.

However, although An Xiaoer felt at ease and believed in Mo Shenhan, she had some concerns of her own, "Mo Shenhan, but, will your father agree? I don't think he will agree! "

"Besides, I'm not familiar with your family members, and that Mo Qingge, I'm a little afraid of her..." That woman is so scary, so insane!

"Don't worry, just leave these to me." Mo Shenhan took An Xiaoer's hand and said, "I will take care of it. You just need to be mentally prepared and be a good mother to your child. Also, mine The bride will be fine."

Mo Shenhan smiled and said this.

"But, there's Mu Xiyue, and Lin Jingjing, you have a lot of peach blossoms~" Although An Xiaoer wanted to listen to Mo Shenhan's words, she agreed to him and listened to him, just be at ease, However, there are really some people who can't do anything and don't have to think about it!
Thinking of Mo Shenhan's peach blossom, An Xiaoer was very depressed!
Even if Mo Shenhan doesn't like them, but those people like Mo Shenhan, what should they do if they bother him every day!

"Well..." An Xiaoer wanted to continue talking!Mo Shenhan simply blocked her mouth, "Just listen to me, don't worry so much, be good!"

Mo Shenhan talked to Mo Shenhan like coaxing a child.

"Ahem... I'll trust you for now!" An Xiaoer nodded, agreeing.

Niannian talked to Yangyang a lot, so she became thirsty, and just when she ran out of water, she wanted to find her mother to buy some water. Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw two people hugging and kissing together !
"Ah?" An Yingnian cried out in shock.

An Xiaoer felt extremely embarrassed at this moment, and quickly let go of Mo Shenhan, "Nian Nian, that, listen to your mother, things are not what you think..."

God, how could Nian Nian see it?Now, what a shame!Hey, now, how will we face Nian Nian in the future?How to face the children?

"Mom, I don't see anything, I don't see anything! Go on, I don't see anything..."

An Yingnian hastily closed her eyes, so she quickly turned around and ran back.

An Yingnian never thought that mom and dad would kiss together, if she knew, she wouldn't go to the kitchen, it's so embarrassing!

"..." An Xiao'er wanted to cry, but Nian Nian obviously saw it, but she pretended not to see it. In her heart, she probably wanted to laugh at her to death!
An Xiaoer really felt so tangled!
Glancing at Mo Shenhan, he was a little dissatisfied, "It's all your fault, he washes the dishes properly, why are you here to participate, now, how can I do ideological work for the children?"

However, Mo Shenhan didn't take it seriously, raised his eyebrows, and said ambiguously, "It's nothing, there is nothing wrong with early education."

"Early education?" An Xiaoer was stunned!
Yaya, kissing, early education?That's what Mo Shenhan meant, right?But the problem is, Nian Nian is only five years old, what is it called, there is nothing wrong with early education!
An Xiaoer thought of Nian Nian kissing a little girl in the kindergarten, and then the teacher gave the child a lesson, and then Nian Nian said, "My parents taught me!"

When An Xiaoer thought of that appearance, she started to shudder.

 Cough cough, it's over, I just lied to you

(End of this chapter)

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