Chapter 436 An Xiaoer Shows Her Love
At this moment, Mo Shenhan really regards her as his wife?Really don't mind?

He even never asked her why she hugged Chu Qingye. This matter has developed silently, and now, instead, she proposes marriage.

I don't know the reason, but An Xiaoer felt a little uneasy in her heart. She wanted to explain to Mo Shenhan herself, but she didn't have the courage. She was afraid that he would misunderstand something even more, so she could only keep silent, in her heart .

"It's getting late, let's go back."

An Xiaoer didn't want to answer Mo Shenhan's question about whether it was big or not, because she thought about the photo, so she started to panic.

When An Xiaoer turned around, she simply held her son's hand and left. Mo Shenhan suddenly felt that An Xiaoer was inexplicable. Could it be that something made her unhappy?Or, is she shy?
Although he didn't understand, seeing An Xiaoer leave, Mo Shenhan couldn't just stand there in a daze, so he quickly chased after her.

"What's the matter? Walking so fast?" She took a few steps to catch up and took An Xiaoer's hand.

"Ahem, it's okay." An Xiaoer didn't dare to express herself too much, so she could only answer with an embarrassed smile.

After all, the two little ones hadn't traveled such a long distance. An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan carried the other down most of the way downhill.

An Xiaoer carried the bastard An Yingnian on her back. In fact, An Yingnian, this little bastard, wanted Mo Shenhan to carry her on her back at first, but An Xiaoer chose to carry Niannian on her back because she wanted Mo Ruiyang. Experience the feeling of being carried by your father.

Over the years, Mo Shenhan has really been ignorant to the extreme. When she thinks of this, An Xiaoer feels very sorry for the child. She doesn't have a complete family and doesn't have enough experience of her parents' love.

I gradually returned to the foot of the mountain. After this trip, I have to say that I was really tired.

Several people took a shower, ate something casually, and then began to lie down.

An Xiaoer looked at the photos taken today, chose a few good-looking ones, and posted them on Moments. There was another one, Mo Shenhan's back. Looking at it from a distance, she couldn't tell it was Mo Shenhan. It's cold, but if you observe carefully, you can still find some reasons.

This can be regarded as a hidden show of affection.

Lie down and play with the phone, fell asleep while playing, and simply put the phone aside.

Among them, Mo Shenhan must be the hardest one, because when everyone is bored playing games, Mo Shenhan still takes time to look at the company's situation and deal with those things that need to be dealt with , although it is Christmas and everyone is on holiday, there are still some trivial things that he needs to pay attention to.

Mo Shenhan seems to be relaxed, but such things as career still have to be irritating in his heart all the time, even when everyone is on vacation.

Having a stable movement may not make that much money, but at least don't think about it too much!

Each has its pros and cons!
When Mo Shenhan put down the work in hand, the three people around him had already laid down and fell asleep, and they stopped playing with their mobile phones, obviously exhausted.

This night, the four of them, two children, Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer, just lay on a big bed like this. This is a family relationship, a very special and delicate feeling.

Mo Shenhan covered the quilt, and then looked at the phone, and saw An Xiaoer's circle of friends, today's photo, and a small back of him in it.

(End of this chapter)

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