The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 441 Dad, Why Do You Look Like a Lost Dog

Chapter 441 Dad, Why Do You Look Like a Lost Dog?

An Xiaoer said to Mo Shenhan patiently, "Mo Shenhan, can you trust me? Trust me, okay?"

At this moment, his tone became gentler. Although Mo Shenhan was still not very happy, he finally nodded and walked to the other side with the children without saying anything.

Of course, the room card has been withdrawn, and Mo Shenhan has no time to go to trouble for a piece of clothing. In his opinion, it is not an important thing at all.

Besides, who knows if there are really clothes?How embarrassing would it be if An Xiaoer just made an excuse for him to avoid him, but he believed it was real and went looking for clothes?

Taking the children to sit in a coffee shop, Mo Shenhan ordered a cup of coffee and tasted it slowly.

The two babies looked at Mo Shenhan thoughtfully.

Mo Ruiyang looked at Mo Shenhan and raised his eyebrows, "Dad, why do I feel like you are like a lost dog now?"

With his current appearance, his complexion is really a little ugly, and he is a little decadent.

"Father, are you afraid that your mother will run away with Uncle Chu?" An Yingnian looked at Mo Shenhan with some sympathy.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mo Shenhan glared at the children, why are these two so incapable of talking?Why do you always expose other people's shortcomings?

Mo Shenhan snorted coldly in his heart, thinking that these must be two fake sons.

Seeing Mo Shenhan staring at them unhappily, Mo Ruiyang smiled, looked at his father, and gave pertinent advice, "Dad, you have to trust Mom."

"..." Mo Shenhan was completely speechless, and finally chose to remain silent.

Actually, it's not that I don't believe in An Xiaoer, but I just don't like her being with other men. Love is inherently selfish, so who would want their lover to be with others?

An Xiaoer found a place to sit down with Chu Qingye, An Xiaoer just looked at Chu Qingye without much smile.

An Xiaoer was really moved when she thought that he was worried that something would happen to her, so he ran so far to come here to find her.

At the same time, I also feel sorry, because I can't bear his sacrifice.

However, when thinking about the photo, An Xiaoer was full of doubts about it. She didn't want to doubt him, but she didn't believe him either.

Just holding doubts, I want to ask for clarification at this moment.

"Why are you here?" Looking at Chu Qingye, An Xiaoer said.

The tone is light, and the feelings are a bit complicated.

Chu Qingye looked at An Xiaoer's detached look towards him, and unconsciously felt a little cold in his heart.

"Don't you know why I came here?"

"Xiao'er, are you going to marry him?" Chu Qingye asked, a little inconceivable.

"En." An Xiaoer nodded.

"It seems that he is serious about you. If that's the case, I'm relieved." As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Qingye's lips, with a slight bitterness.

"Chu Qingye..." Hearing what he said, An Xiaoer was a little confused, wondering if she should ask about the photos.

After all, he was sincerely treating her well, so how could he harm her behind his back?

But what about the photos?An Xiaoer didn't know.

"En." Hearing An Xiaoer call her name, Chu Qingye responded, "You seem to have something to say to me."

"En." An Xiaoer was still hesitating whether to tell Chu Qingye about the photos, so he started to ask.

An Xiaoer thought about it, and finally told Chu Qingye, "I saw a photo of us hugging together in Mo Shenhan's mobile phone, and the location was in the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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