Chapter 443 Mo Shenhan's Grandpa
If you have time, go see him!
Such a sentence, coming from Chu Qingye's mouth, made Mo Shenhan stunned for a long time.

Grandpa is Chu Qingye's grandfather, that is, Mo Shenhan's grandfather, a member of the Chu family. Back then, when Chu Qiao married Mo Bozhi, the Chu family was very opposed to it, and they even had trouble with the Chu family because of this. The relationship was very tense, Chu Qiao even died, and the Chu family didn't let anyone see it.

This is a heavy barrier. For the sake of face, many times, everything is ignored.

"Okay." Mo Shenhan nodded, and when he looked at Chu Qingye, his expression was cold and unruly.

His eyes are deep, as if there are many thick stories, which makes people feel distressed.

Chu Qingye finally left, turned around and left, because he knew that there was a landslide here, because he was worried about An Xiaoer, he rushed all the way here, because he knew that An Xiaoer was fine, he was relieved, and because he heard Mo Shenhan proposed to An Xiaoer, but chose to give up, wishing them happiness.

His back view is a bit lonely, but not lonely, as if he has made a decision, that kind of determination.

An Xiao'er was the girl she had loved for so many years. They were together from the first year of high school to the third year of high school. He held her in his hands and did not hurt her at all.

After six years of misunderstandings, everyone said that An Xiaoer met a rich man and left with others. Don't give up on Chu Qingye, and Chu Qingye didn't give up on An Xiaoer. That girl, all the time.

Until now, Chu Qingye still loves An Xiaoer, but he chose to give up and choose to make her happy.

Mo Shenhan looked at his back, his words were still in the back of his mind, "Grandpa actually misses you and aunt very much, if you have time, go and see him."

When my mother was still there, why didn't she always think about grandpa?They would always look at the photos frequently, but, for the sake of face, they never saw each other again.

If you have time, go see grandpa?
Mo Shenhan seemed to have never seen the legendary grandfather before!

"Let's go, if you don't go, you won't be able to catch the plane." Seeing that Mo Shenhan was in a daze, An Xiaoer said.

Of course, An Xiaoer was also very puzzled, the so-called grandfather should be Mo Shenhan's grandfather!
There seems to be some misunderstanding between them!

However, Mo Shenhan didn't say anything, so An Xiaoer didn't ask too many questions. Let's ask again when I have time!
He got on the plane and finally returned to City B.

Time gradually passed, and in a blink of an eye, a month passed.

After Mo Shenhan went back, he never mentioned the matter of marriage. During this time, he seemed to be very busy, busy in the company.

They talked less and less. An Xiaoer was in the office. Sometimes, even when she saw him busy but didn't know what was going on, she was also very puzzled.

So, I could only look at him quietly, watching him busy without speaking.

Moreover, he didn't have much time to go back to the apartment. Sometimes when he went back, it was already after twelve o'clock, and there was a lot less talk between them suddenly.

Sometimes, An Xiaoer wondered, what exactly is Mo Shenhan busy with?

Will he continue with the marriage?

Or, is it just a whim, so just talk about it?
However, the only comfort that An Xiaoer felt was that every day when she arrived at the company, there would be a breakfast on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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