Chapter 604 Nian Nian is so innocent...

"It's okay, I was negligent and forgot to tell you."

An Xiaoer also forgot to tell Lin Xiaoxiao that Niannian was injured and couldn't eat crayfish. Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't remember, so she couldn't be blamed.

An Xiaoer was very kind to Lin Xiaoxiao. Lin Xiaoxiao heard that An Xiaoer didn't blame her, so she smiled and said nothing.

I feel in my heart that after I came from the countryside, I met An Xiaoer, worked in her family, and enjoyed good treatment, just like a family member, so I am very lucky.

A few people were eating, and Mo Shenhan occasionally put some vegetables into An Xiaoer's bowl, which was simple and warm.


At this moment, Mo Shenhan's cell phone rang, and when Mo Shenhan answered the call, it was Liu Piaolan who called.

"Deep cold, have you eaten yet?" Liu Piaolan's voice was gentle.

"Just finished eating, Aunt Lan, what's the matter?"

Last time, because Mo Bozhi and Liu Piaolan knew that something happened to Nian Nian, they went to country M to visit them, but the relationship between the father and son of the Mo family was really bad, because An Xiaoer's incident caused an unpleasant disturbance and they broke up .

"Deep cold, I think it's not good for you to live outside with An Xiaoer and you have two children..." Liu Piaolan said these words, which means Let them go back to Mo's house?
"Aunt Lan, I made it very clear last time." Mo Shenhan didn't say much, obviously he didn't want to continue this topic.

Because it was Liu Piaolan, Mo Shenhan was more polite. If it was Mo Bozhi, he probably would have hung up after finishing speaking.

Liu Piaolan looked at Mo Shenhan's intention of not going back, and was a little annoyed, "Shenhan, your father is actually like that. After all these years, you also know his personality... He actually really wants to see the two children. , I think, you should bring the children, and An Xiaoer, and come back to live with us, even if you come to accompany us, okay?"

"Aunt Lan, is this your idea?" Mo Shenhan said in an unhappy tone, "We don't plan to go back, let's do this first, I have something else to do."

Then, Mo Shenhan hung up the phone.

Not long after, Mo Shenhan's call came up again, and Mo Shenhan picked it up, "Aunt Lan, we don't plan to go back, you..."

However, it turned out that it wasn't Liu Piaolan's call, but a call from the kindergarten teacher, "Hi, hello, I'm Niannian's teacher."

Mo Shenhan's lips formed a line, not very happy, but knowing that it was not Liu Piaolan, but Nian Nian's teacher, he was silent for a while, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The teacher thought of Mo Shenhan's cold appearance, and he didn't know why what he said, and became a little nervous, "Uh, it's like this, we changed the students' test papers today, and there was one test paper, Nian Nian was naughty again..."

Hearing this, Mo Shenhan felt a little strange, looked at Yangyang, "Nian Nian, I was looking for you..."

When Nian Nian heard Mo Shenhan calling him, she thought she was looking for him, "I'm here!"

Mo Shenhan froze for a moment, looked at Yangyang, then at Niannian, and then directly gave Niannian the phone.

Yangyang naturally knew what the teacher's phone call was about, but he was just sitting on the sidelines, waiting for Niannian to make a fool of himself, already showing a dark smile.

Mo Shenhan also gave a normal person a glance, and looked at the father and son.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Nian Nian answered the phone and asked the teacher what happened.

"Nian Nian, what happened to a question on your math test paper, where you wrote 'Excuse me, how many years will my father be sentenced to'?"

(End of this chapter)

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