Chapter 613 A Car Came Suddenly
"'re threatening me?" Hearing An Xiaoer say that if she didn't tell her name, there was no need to continue talking, Mo Shenlie was obviously not very happy, and her face collapsed.

"I don't need to threaten you, I'm just telling the truth, if the purpose of chatting with you is just to stimulate me, then there is no need for me to continue talking to you, right?" An Xiaoer's lips curled into a smile, However, he was wary of looking at this person.

He continued to remain silent, not intending to continue telling An Xiaoer who he was.

However, An Xiaoer felt that this person knew everything about Mo Shenhan so well, so he should be very familiar with Mo Shenhan.

Since he didn't say anything, An Xiaoer really didn't intend to continue talking nonsense, and stood up, ready to leave.

Mo Shenlie looked at An Xiao'er, and there was nothing to do. She wanted to leave, but he hadn't said what he wanted to say, and he hadn't finished sowing discord!

"Stop, I'm doing it for your own good. If you leave, just pretend I didn't say anything. But, have you ever thought, Mo Shenhan, that I'm really sincere to you?" Mo Shenlie continued.

Originally, today, because of Mo Shenhan's sentence "An Xiaoer, I never thought you were such a person", An Xiaoer felt extremely uncomfortable. Now, hearing Mo Shenhan say this again, An Xiaoer suddenly Very annoying.

"Thank you, but you don't need to worry about it. Compared to trusting someone I don't know, I will naturally trust my husband!"

This was the first time An Xiaoer said that Mo Shenhan was her husband in front of others, but it turned out that he was with someone she didn't know.

An Xiaoer left because she didn't want to continue talking with this person.

Of course, there is no need for Mo Shenlie to tell An Xiaoer that he belongs to Mo Shenlie in order to let An Xiaoer listen to him more, because if An Xiaoer didn't listen to him, she would go back and tell Mo Shenhan , In this way, the grievances between Mo Shenhan and you have increased a bit, and Mo Shenlie will naturally not do such a thing that is not worth the candle.

Seeing An Xiaoer leave like this, Mo Shenlie's lips curled into a faint smile. Could it be that An Xiaoer really couldn't listen to his words at all?

He thinks it's impossible. Women are suspicious and easily jealous. No woman will completely ignore it when talking about her rival in love.

Indeed, although An Xiaoer left the cake shop very frankly, she still listened to Mo Shenlie's words.

"Mo Shenhan, in your heart, what kind of existence am I?" An Xiaoer continued to walk aimlessly, feeling very depressed.

Just as he walked out of the cake shop, he met An Fengshao and Xiao Guirong. The two of them had just parked their car and were about to get out of the car.

An Xiaoer had something on her mind, so she didn't look around much. She didn't find Xiao Guirong and An Fengshao, but they both saw An Xiaoer.

"Xiao'er, why are you here?" Xiao Guirong saw An Xiao'er and asked.

His tone was rather polite.

An Xiaoer was a little surprised when she saw the two of them, "It's you, why are you here?"

An Xiaoer didn't even call Xiao Guirong her mother, because during this time, Xiao Guirong was always protecting An Manran, which made An Xiaoer desperate.

"Manran's birthday will be in a few days, so..." Xiao Guirong smiled and said such a sentence.

At this time, there was a car driving towards An Xiaoer and Xiao Guirong. At that time, no one noticed...

(End of this chapter)

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