The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 622 Xiao Guirong's Deadline!

Chapter 622 Xiao Guirong's Deadline!
"The man who was in the car accident was not seriously injured. The woman who was driving had a forehead injury and a slight concussion. The woman who was in the car accident was seriously injured, and her body is not in good condition. I'm afraid she won't be able to last for a month."

Seeing An Xiaoer's nervous look, the doctor announced the result with a sigh.

An Xiaoer froze on the spot when she heard such words, "Doctor, is the woman in a car accident really that serious?"

When she quarreled with An Manran just now, she was still full of flesh and blood and had a temper. At this moment, when she heard the doctor's words, An Xiaoer's face was stunned, like an eggplant beaten by frost, without any emotions.

"Doctor, I beg you, think of a way, my mother... My mother can't be in trouble, doctor, I beg you, you must use the best medicine, I will definitely find a way with the money, doctor..." An Xiaoer suddenly I panicked, and hurriedly hugged the doctor's hand, pulled the doctor's arm, and begged the doctor to find a way.

"I'm really sorry, it's not that I don't use the best medicine, but that there is really nothing I can do!" The doctor was held by An Xiaoer, working in the hospital, and facing life and death every day. He understood such things, but he only Can truthfully announce the answer to the matter.

"Hehehe... how is it possible?" Hearing what the doctor said, An Xiaoer laughed immediately, and patted the doctor on the back, "Hahaha, doctor, I know you all like to joke..."

However, although An Xiaoer smiled and patted the doctor on the back, with a look of disbelief, her eyes were filled with tears, and big tears rolled down!
"Miss, calm down, miss..." The doctor wanted to persuade An Xiaoer to calm down, but An Xiaoer's eyes were already closed, and she couldn't stabilize herself, so she just leaned back.

At this time, Mo Shenlie's hand just hugged An Xiaoer's waist like that, and An Xiaoer, who was about to fall to the ground, just fell into Mo Shenlie's arms like that.

"Doctor, come and take a look..." Mo Shenlie hugged An Xiaoer, and then hurriedly called the doctor to come and see.

The doctor pinched An Xiaoer's Renzhong acupoint, and pinched for a long time before An Xiaoer woke up.

After waking up, she continued to cry, looking at Xiao Guirong who was lying down, and kept crying.

The doctor sighed, "Miss, everyone's fate is different. Your mother's health is not good, thanks to several years of treatment, otherwise, your mother would not be able to survive. Now, something like this happened. The car accident caused many organs in her body to fail, and we really have nothing to do!"

An Xiaoer felt very sad when she heard this. Yes, Xiao Guirong's health was not good. Thinking of the disease that almost killed her six years ago, Xiao Guirong almost left her at that time. Now, Because of this car accident, could it be that Xiao Guirong's days are really numbered?
a month...

30 days is really short!
"Doctor, I beg you, please think of a way, okay?" An Xiaoer didn't believe it, she didn't believe that Xiao Guirong was really so unfortunate, thinking that six years ago, the doctor also said that there was no way to save her, but An Xiaoer took her with her. Xiao Guirong went to country M, isn't she all right?
Yes, An Xiaoer must take Xiao Guirong abroad, Xiao Guirong will definitely be fine!

"Doctor, go through the hospital transfer procedures immediately. I'll take my mother abroad!" An Xiaoer hurriedly wanted to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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