Chapter 628 An Xiaoer Goes Home

In An Xiaoer's heart, she was looking forward to Mo Shenhan's arrival.

An Xiaoer was looking forward to it, but she was also uneasy, worried that Mo Shenhan would not come, after all, they were having an emotional affair!
"Father is busy with work in the study, he said he won't come, so it's just me, Nian Nian, Miss, and the three of us." Yang Yang replied to An Xiaoer, but in her heart, she was also worried that her mother would be disappointed.

"Mom, did you quarrel with dad?" Yangyang asked cautiously, worried that asking would make her mother sad.

Today, I felt that when Dad came back, his face became more terrifying than before. It was as cold as if anyone who dared to take half a step closer would be frozen by the cold all over his body.

That kind of atmosphere is not a problem at all.

After all, after father and mother are together, in many cases, they are gentle and caring. I always feel that having father and mother is like having the sun in winter.

But today, it's really weird!

Thinking of the small disturbances to her parents at noon today, Yang Yang began to worry.

When An Xiaoer heard Yang Yang's question, she sighed helplessly. Did even Yang Yang see that something was wrong?
He didn't answer Yang Yang's words, but said, "Yang Yang, don't come to the hospital, I'll go home."

An Xiaoer wanted to go home and explain to Mo Shenhan the relationship between her and Mo Shenlie. After all, she really had nothing to do with Mo Shenlie.

Misunderstandings are always disturbing, unpleasant, and annoying to think about. Only when the explanation is clear can reconciliation be possible and good development can be achieved.

Also, An Xiaoer had to discuss with Mo Shenhan about transferring Xiao Guirong to another hospital.

An Xiaoer knew that Mo Shenhan was angry. After all, Mo Shenhan had time to visit her in the hospital this afternoon, but he was busy at night, which meant that he was looking for excuses not to visit her.

Since Mo Shenhan won't come, then An Xiaoer can go back!

An Xiaoer hung up the phone, explained to the nurses, and asked them to take care of the patient. An Xiaoer finally went back.

After sitting in the car for quite a while, she finally arrived at the apartment. Standing at the door, An Xiaoer didn't have the courage to face it. What if Mo Shenhan didn't believe her?

An Xiaoer took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and after a while, she summoned up the courage to open the door.

"Mom!" Seeing An Xiaoer's return, Nian Nian was the first to rush up to hug An Xiaoer, "You're finally back, are you injured?"

Yangyang also looked at An Xiaoer, but seeing that An Xiaoer was safe and sound, he was relieved.

"Baby, I'm fine." An Xiaoer smiled, seeing the cuteness of the baby, hugged the baby, and kissed it.

"Are you good today?"

"Good! Very good!"

An Xiao'er smiled, she was used to Niannian saying obedient words even when she was naughty, she was just asking and being considerate.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at An Xiaoer, "Xiaoer, Mr. Mo..."

Moreover, Lin Xiaoxiao made a helpless gesture to An Xiaoer, and An Xiaoer knew what she meant.

"I'll go and have a look." An Xiaoer hugged Nian Nian to the sofa and put it with Mo Ruiyang, then turned and went to the study.

An Xiaoer sighed, and pushed open the door of the study. Inside, on Mo Shenhan's desk, there were some materials, busy with the computer.

Seeing the sound of someone opening the door, he raised his head and saw it was An Xiaoer.

(End of this chapter)

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