Chapter 632
An Xiaoer closed the door and left the study, but even though An Xiaoer had already walked out, Mo Shenhan did not chase after her, and An Xiaoer felt a little disappointed.

In fact, even though she said those things, even though she said she was leaving, An Xiaoer still hoped that Mo Shenhan would stay at the last moment.

However, Mo Shenhan unexpectedly, really did not persuade him to stay.

An Xiaoer is really disappointed, Mo Shenhan, it turns out that the love between us is so insignificant!
It turns out that I am in your heart, in fact, very light, very light...

"Mom, what's the matter with you and Dad?" As soon as An Xiaoer stood at the door, the two little babies came over to watch, and seeing the disappointed look on An Xiaoer's face, she knew there was something wrong!

"It's okay!" An Xiaoer saw Yangyang and Niannian looking at her worriedly, and quickly forced a smile!

I don't want the babies to know that she and Mo Shenhan quarreled, and I don't want the babies to worry.

"Baby, your grandma is in the hospital, you know it, so, tonight, mom is going to the hospital to take care of your grandma, you stay at home and be good!"

An Xiaoer looked at the two babies, touched their little heads, and then, An Xiaoer told Lin Xiaoxiao to take good care of the children, and went out like this.

It was past ten o'clock. When she took the elevator downstairs, she was a little scared because she was the only one in the elevator.

I'm afraid of ghosts, and I'm afraid that suddenly a bad person will come into the elevator and do bad things.

An Xiaoer tightly held the phone in her hand, the phone was always on, and when she opened WeChat, she turned to Mo Shenhan's page.

And wrote, "Help!" Two words, not sent, just written there.

An Xiaoer thought, if something really happened, he would immediately send the written word to Mo Shenhan.

In this way, Mo Shenhan can come to rescue her right away!
But, what if Mo Shenhan didn't come when he saw it?

So, An Xiaoer put the same words on Yangyang's WeChat.

Five-year-olds also have WeChat?Of course, since there are mobile phones, why can't we have WeChat?

Besides, Nian Nian's IQ is so high, how can it be compared with ordinary children?

However, An Xiaoer's behavior was because she kept putting the phone page on Mo Shenhan's page, and Mo Shenhan was holding the phone after An Xiaoer left, looking at him and An Xiao all the time son's chat history.

So, Mo Shenhan saw it, and An Xiaoer showed, "The other party is typing..."

Mo Shenhan stared at those words in a daze, guessing what An Xiaoer would say to him, just stared at those words in a daze, a full 5 minutes passed, but in fact, there was nothing!

An Xiaoer didn't send anything!
Could it be that An Xiaoer is writing a long dissertation?So, been writing?
After all, with An Xiaoer's temperament, she might really feel uncomfortable and write a lot of words to him!

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Shenhan just stared at the phone like that.

Before I knew it, 10 minutes had passed...

But in fact, he received nothing.

Look at what An Xiaoer is doing now.

Because the time was a bit late, it was past ten o'clock, and it was not a rush hour for traffic jams, so An Xiaoer arrived at the hospital very quickly.

Mo Shenlie had already left.

In the ward, Xiao Guirong was lying there quietly, and a nurse was changing the medicine.

An Xiaoer walked over, "How is my mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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