The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 636 Can't do it, so don't ask for it!

Chapter 636 Can't do it, so don't ask for it!
Hey, why is Mo Shenhan treating An Xiaoer like that, but An Xiaoer still can't help but worry about Mo Shenhan?
Maybe after liking someone, it's like this, you can't help but miss that person, worry about that person, even if that man is angry with you!
An Xiaoer sighed, her mind was very confused, and she didn't know what to do with the money matter. This night, she had some insomnia, and at some point, An Xiaoer fell asleep in a daze.

The night was deep and long, but those who fell asleep did not feel anything.

Sometimes I wonder, do people have souls?
People, when they are asleep, they just can’t remember anything clearly. At that time, where did the state of knowing everything when they are awake go?
For another example, a vegetative person obviously has signs of life, but just can't wake up, not in an awake state, but in a deep sleep all the time, what is controlling all this?

These things are still unknown. Perhaps, the human brain is the so-called soul, because when a person falls asleep, the brain is in a resting state, so it is asleep and unconscious!

Maybe, and some, other things.

During the long night, An Xiaoer didn't sleep well, as if she had many, many strange dreams, but when she woke up, she couldn't think of anything!

Dreams are sometimes very strange. For example, I have had some dreams, which are not very clear, but one day, what happened suddenly feels like it happened in a dream.

An Xiaoer's head hurts from sleeping, because of the discomfort, An Xiaoer rubbed the center of her brows.

When she woke up, she didn't think about anything when she fell asleep. After waking up, she had to face all kinds of trivial matters in life. An Xiaoer got up to wash her face, brush her teeth, and then sat next to Xiao Guirong, taking care of her.

An Xiaoer was worried about the money again. At this moment, she didn't know what to do. Holding her mobile phone, she was still reading Mo Shenhan's WeChat and Chu Qingye's.

An Xiaoer was very confused. At this moment, she really didn't know what to do.

Her mother's condition could not be delayed any longer, and she had to be transferred to another hospital at an appropriate time, and all of this required financial support.

How about begging Mo Shenhan again?

But in An Xiaoer's mind, Mo Shenhan's silent and mean look from last night appeared, and An Xiaoer didn't even have the courage to ask Mo Shenhan for help.

Perhaps, An Xiaoer still values ​​dignity very much. She begged once, but Mo Shenhan didn't agree, so An Xiaoer didn't intend to continue begging again!
I don't want Mo Shenhan to think that she is a humble person.

An Xiaoer finally looked at Chu Qingye again, can I ask Chu Qingye?
An Xiaoer still couldn't let go of her dignity, and didn't want to continue to have a deep relationship with Chu Qingye, because she already owed him enough!
"Hey! What should I do to get the medical bills?" An Xiaoer scratched her hair with a headache!

Because of her self-esteem, An Xiaoer couldn't ask Mo Shenhan for help, nor could she ask Chu Qingye for help. At this moment, she really didn't know what to do!
At this time, two little babies appeared in the ward.

"Mom, what's the medical bill?" Nian Nian asked after hearing An Xiaoer's words.

(End of this chapter)

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