Chapter 642 Grab her little face!
In this regard, I have already made mental preparations.

Just stood and looked at her, "An Manran, are your parents okay?"

An Manran rolled her eyes when she heard this, "It's as if it's not your father!" However, she added, "But it's true, my father never regarded you as a daughter at all, so, in fact, it's not you Dad, there is no difference. I heard that your mother is dying? Haha, this is really interesting. I just got married not long ago. Have you had enough good times? Do you know why your mother is so miserable? God can't stand it anymore! When she dies, our family will be happy!"

Obviously, An Manran deliberately angered An Xiaoer, An Xiaoer didn't have anything to say about it, she just smiled coldly, her heart was very calm, but she still swung her hand and slapped her a slap.

An Xiaoer's lips curled into a smile, "An Manran, are you too proud? Even if your family is together, you will not be happy, because your father is all about rights, not Human being, it's not that you don't know why your mother was kicked away, because I helped him get the right in Moyu."

Since the other party wanted to provoke, An Xiaoer was still willing to accompany her. Besides, An Xiaoer was in a bad mood. An Xiaoer also felt disgusted by An Manran's repeated provocations.

Being slapped again, An Manran was very angry, so she became angry and wanted to fight An Xiaoer desperately. She stood at the door, rolled up her sleeves, and wanted to push An Xiaoer!

"An Xiaoer, I can't stop talking to you!" After speaking, An Manran moved her body!

An Xiaoer looked at An Manran like this, and directly held her hand, "What, do you want to fight? An Manran, can you beat me?"

An Manran looks thinner, so she may not be An Xiaoer's opponent!
Back in high school, the two had a fight because they had a lot of trouble. At that time, An Manran, who had a hot personality, was actually a rookie in fighting, and was severely abused by An Xiaoer.

At that time, An Xiao'er didn't fight with An Manran most of the time, but that time, she really couldn't bear it anymore, so she fought with her.

Then, it is a complete victory.

However, in the end, when she got home, she was indeed beaten up. That’s right, she was beaten up. Xiao Guirong took a broom and beat her hard. Her arm had scars in several places, and it was blue and purple. one piece.

At that time, Xiao Guirong said angrily, "How can you bully Manran? How many times have I told you to let her go, no matter what, you are a sister, you know?"

They are all high school students, and they were spanked by their mother. Speaking of it, it is really special emotion!It was also a shame.

At that time, An Xiaoer didn't understand her mother very much. She really didn't know why, but she kept protecting her so much.

In fact, I still don’t understand it until now!

However, An Xiaoer has always been very kind to Xiao Guirong, not for any other reason, but because that is her mother, after all, she was born and raised.

"You... Do you think I can't beat you now?" Because An Xiaoer said that An Manran couldn't beat her, she was even more angry about it!

This time, it's all over the place. The nails are very long. An Xiaoer controls one hand. Doesn't she still have the other hand?
An Manran decided to catch Hua An Xiaoer's seductive face!
(End of this chapter)

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