The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 658 Liu Jingcheng's Small Treasury

Chapter 658 Liu Jingcheng's Small Treasury

"Manran, what's wrong with you, who bullied you?" Seeing An Manran's blank and wronged look at the moment, Liu Jingcheng was really worried.

Seeing her mother's worried look for her, An Manran felt even more aggrieved.

"Mom, it's okay, no one bullies me... I just, suddenly miss you so much. Mom, you are the only one who treats me best. I'm really afraid that one day, you will suddenly not treat me well!"

Aggrieved, An Xiaoer went to her mother and looked at her.

In her heart, there were many things on her mind, but she couldn't tell Liu Jingcheng about these things.

"Stupid boy, why didn't mom treat you well?" Hearing what An Xiaoer could only say, Liu Jingcheng smiled, "You are mother's sweetheart. Mom gave birth to you in October, so of course mother wants Good for you, I want to protect you for the rest of my life, good for you."

Holding An Manran's hand, Liu Jingcheng's eyes were full of love.

"Daughter, why do I feel that you speak strangely? If you can't live with your father, come and live with your mother, okay, don't worry, mother has money, and mother will support you. "

Liu Jingcheng said, looking at her daughter, the corners of her lips were full of satisfaction.

Some people may be mean and hateful, but family love is incomparable, just like Liu Jingcheng would hate An Xiaoer and Xiao Guirong very much, and many things he may do are also of the meaner kind.

However, when treating her daughter, she is indeed given the utmost love, as long as she can be given, she will be given all.

This is the way Liu Jingcheng loves and loves her daughter, and it is also the way many mothers treat their children.

"Mom, actually, I'm still worried that you won't have money. If you have money, that's fine. Then I don't worry about it. But I don't want to live with you. After all, money will be spent one day Yes, I think you can keep it for yourself, and I can get the money from my father." Hearing Liu Jingcheng said that she was rich, and that she wanted her daughter to live with her, and she could afford it, An Manran smiled.

After all, the mother-daughter relationship with Liu Jingcheng for so many years, the relationship between An Manran and Liu Jingcheng is the closest. Of course, she will also worry about her mother.

Knowing that her mother is rich, she is relieved.

He also explained that he didn't need to ask her for money.

An Manran was also the kind who grew up with a golden key in her mouth. She was pampered, and the concept of money was also the kind that was extravagant. Besides, she was with An Fengshao, and she was not short of money at all.

In terms of money, if it is enough for her to spend, that is enough.

She doesn't demand that much.

Knowing that her mother is rich, she only hopes that her life will be better.

"My dear daughter, you will think about your mother. My mother is really happy." Looking at her daughter and saying, leaving the money for her to spend, fearing that she will have no money in the future, Liu Jingcheng was already happy.

My daughter cares about her!

"However, Man Ran, you, you don't know mom, do you know how much money mom has saved over the years? Anyway, it's enough for us to spend, it's nine figures!"

When Liu Jingcheng said this, his voice was obviously lowered. After all, money matters should be discussed carefully.

If people find out and have bad thoughts, it will not do them any good.

"Many, how much?" Hearing what her mother said, An Manran was stunned!

Nine digits?Isn't that... [-] million?

Mom actually has so much money, [-] million?Or hundreds of millions?

This number really terrified An Manran!
(End of this chapter)

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