Chapter 686 Forced to Call Mom!

"Manran, how can you say that?" Hearing An Manran's words, Liu Jingcheng turned pale.

"You are my daughter, this is absolutely true, if you don't believe it, you can go for a paternity test!" Xiao Guirong was a little angry, her daughter actually cursed her to death!
Who can stand it?

"Yes or not, does it matter? My mother, only Liu Jingcheng, whether she is my mother or not, I will only recognize her as my mother!"

An Manran was very annoyed, with an ugly face and bad temper!

In An Manran's heart, Xiao Guirong is not worthy of being her mother!

For a mistress, An Manran felt ashamed to be her daughter!

"Do you know that when I was ten months pregnant and gave birth to you, you cursed me to death now? It's too much!" Xiao Guirong really couldn't bear An Manran's words, and felt very heartbroken.

"You said you are my mother, are you worthy? The people who have been with me since I was a child are not you!" An Manran just thought this was a very ridiculous thing, "No matter what, you will die sooner or later , it is impossible for me to recognize you!"

After An Manran finished speaking, she was about to leave.

At this time, a person came to the ward, and that person was An Fengshao.

Hearing An Manran's words, An Fengshao was very angry, and he slapped him hard!
"You bastard, I've raised you for nothing all these years, yet you say such things!" An Fengshao was very angry.

Seeing her father coming over and scolding her as soon as he came, An Manran was very aggrieved, "Dad, you beat me for such a woman? Do you know how much you have gone too far?"

"I'm just teaching a daughter who doesn't know how to be polite. It's not too much!" An Fengshao snorted coldly and sat down in front of the hospital bed.

"A Rong, are you better? You'll be fine, I'll let you receive the best treatment!" An Fengshao looked at Xiao Guirong, his face was full of concern, but the concern in his eyes was much less .

When Xiao Guirong saw An Fengshao approaching, she immediately felt aggrieved, "I'm fine, Fengshao, how could you beat the child? You really, really pissed me off..."

"She's gone too far!" An Fengshao glared at An Manran again.

An Man was aggrieved, but her father was very angry, she didn't dare to say anything more, she could only lower her head, "Dad, I can't accept letting her be my mother, why should I do this, I have a mother, I don't want her Be my mother."

Aggrieved, An Man continued to speak, and when she thought of Xiao Guirong's mistress status, she despised her even more.

"Listen to me, she is your mother who gave birth to you in ten months of pregnancy. If you don't recognize her as a mother, I don't recognize you as a daughter. You can't get a piece of An's property. point!"

An Fengshao looked very angry, and said harsh words directly.

"Dad, have you been stunned by this woman?" An Manran became very angry when she heard such words!
"I'm serious, I'm not joking with you!" An Fengshao still insisted!

An Manran was at a loss now. Although she felt very wronged, she still made the best of it, "Dad, can I promise you? I promise you, isn't it just to recognize a mother? I admit it, can I admit it?"

"Then call me mom now!" An Fengshao snorted coldly.

"Mom..." An Manran gritted her teeth and spoke unwillingly, but she still didn't want to be her daughter in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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