Chapter 689: Mo Shenhan's Revenge!

"What can I do? At this time, you can only be nice to her, but you have always been very bad to her!" An Fengshao sat on the side.

"What else can that girl do? Hasn't she lost her use value long ago? Why should I be nice to her?" Xiao Guirong didn't care about this statement.

"I just want to be with Manran now, and be with my daughter well. No one can stop me from being with her." At this moment, Xiao Guirong has no one but her daughter.

She completely forgot that the money for her hospitalization at this moment was actually given by Mo Shenhan.

"The end of the year is coming soon, and the matter of Xihan Yiyu has not been settled yet! That girl is of great value, don't forget, that woman is now Mo Shenhan's woman! Hehe...she is really capable."

The corners of An Fengshao's lips twitched with sarcasm and jealousy, "Why can't our family be so lucky?"

"Okay, I'll be nice to her." Xiao Guirong could only nod when she heard this.

"Anyway, that girl is easy to fool, she's an idiot! My medical expenses are all paid by her." Xiao Guirong laughed.

Then, both of them laughed.

In this world, not all good intentions will be rewarded. Some people may not be grateful if you help them, and may even use you to get more benefits from you.

When that day comes, you can no longer satisfy his demands, and finally kick you away, and even slander you behind your back!

In the world, kind people still occupy the majority, but those hateful people are not absent. When we help others, we should also think about whether it is worth it.

An Xiaoer's devotion to Xiao Guirong was obviously timely and in vain.

At this time, An Fengshao received a call and he answered it.

I was so happy just now!However, when he received the call, his face changed. The contrast suddenly changed, and anger flashed across his face, "Why is this happening?"

"Isn't it good? If we are out at this time, they will also pay liquidated damages?" An Fengshao obviously couldn't accept this fact, and his face turned green and pale.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Guirong looked at An Fengshao's sudden change, and asked a little strangely.

An Fengshao put down the phone, and his face immediately turned ugly, "Our cooperation with the Moyu Group has been cancelled."

"Didn't it be fine before?" Xiao Guirong's face changed immediately when he heard the news.

"These things, who can say for sure?" An Fengshao's face was very ugly, and he looked at Xiao Guirong, "If the cooperation between the company and the Moyu Group is cancelled, the company will be ruined!"

His face was very ugly, "What should I do? By the way, An Xiaoer, tell An Xiaoer to ask Mo Shenhan, there must be a way, the company can't do anything."

Xiao Guirong nodded, "I will find a way, don't worry!"

However, Xiao Guirong waited for An Xiaoer to come back in the hospital, but An Xiaoer never came.

An's company was in chaos at this moment, An Fengshao kept calling Xiao Guirong very anxiously, Xiao Guirong had no choice but to call An Xiaoer, asking for help!
However, An Xiaoer's cell phone was turned off.

At this juncture, the two couples were driven crazy!
Why is An Xiaoer's cell phone turned off?Mo Shenhan closed it because he expected that they would find An Xiaoer for help!
(End of this chapter)

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