The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 691 She is your father, you must help!

Chapter 691 She is your father, you must help!

Xiao Guirong's tone was very bad, it could be seen that she was very angry.

However, An Xiaoer was also angry. She was originally worried about Xiao Guirong, so she called at the first time, but she was treated like this!
Who can stand this?Most people can't stand it!

An Xiaoer has a kind heart, but she is not the Holy Mother, she just wants to be nice to others, but she can't accept that she is nice to others, and others treat her badly in turn!

So, at this time, An Xiaoer spoke a little more heavily because she was upset.

"You..." Xiao Guirong, who was still very angry at first, was finally choked!
Yes, Xiao Guirong is not her mother!An Fengshao is not her father either!Why did An Xiaoer help them?
At this time, Xiao Guirong suddenly felt that An Xiaoer shouldn't be allowed to know that she was not Xiao Guirong's own birth!

At that time, I was really too excited for a while, and I didn't pay attention to my words. This was really a headache!

"Xiao'er, you... I'm sorry, it's all my mother's fault. My mother wants to tell you something now. In fact, you are my mother's daughter. An Manran is not. The result of the paternity test just came out."

Xiao Guirong hoped that An Xiaoer could help her, so she came up with this idea and told An Xiaoer that she made a mistake!

"What? What did you say?" Hearing Xiao Guirong's words, An Xiaoer was obviously stunned for a moment!
After realizing it, I felt that this matter was extremely ridiculous.

It was Xiao Guirong who made a mistake. In fact, An Xiaoer was her biological daughter, not An Manran?
If An Xiaoer hadn't done the paternity test, then she probably would have believed her, but after An Xiaoer took the paternity test, she realized that Xiao Guirong was such a hypocrite!
At this time, do you want to use her to help An Shi?

"Whether I'm your daughter or not, I'm powerless in this matter. How can I have such a great ability to make a person who has committed a crime and his company is an empty shell get back up again? I'm just an ordinary person That's all? How can there be such a big skill?"

After An Xiaoer said such a sentence, a sarcastic smile flashed across her face, but inside that smile was also mixed with too much disappointment.

Xiao Guirong actually chose to lie to her for the sake of the company, saying that her daughter made a mistake, that An Manran was not her daughter, but An Xiaoer was!

It's chilling to think about it...

So, what are those days and nights that don't love you?

Besides, paternity test?An Xiaoer also took a paternity test. Could it be that the paternity test she did was a fake paternity test?
"Xiao'er, you are really mother's daughter, you want to save your father, you can't do this, you can't be so heartless!"

Xiao Guirong listened to An Xiaoer's words. In her words, she meant not to help. She had no choice but to beg An Xiaoer at this time.

"He is your father, no matter what, you can't just leave him alone!" Xiao Guirong's voice was full of pleading.

her dad?
In An Xiaoer's mind, however, An Fengshao's disgusting eyes flashed in An Fengshao's eyes. When he looked at her, his eyes were so disgusted that he wanted to throw them away immediately.

Also, An Xiaoer remembered that six years ago, he made some mistakes. In order not to go to jail, he actually asked her to sleep with the old man!
How heartbreaking these are!

(End of this chapter)

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