Chapter 696 Let's Go Show Our Love!

"Ahem, cough, what are you whispering here?" Lu Moxuan narrowed her eyes, with a wicked smile in her eyes, looking at Hua Yuexia and An Xiaoer.

At this time, Mo Shenhan also echoed, "We heard everything!"

The expressions of An Xiaoer and Hua Yuexia froze immediately!
God, this is so embarrassing!
"Ahem, ahem, we didn't say anything. If you hear something you shouldn't hear, then you must have heard it wrong!" An Xiaoer blushed, and hurriedly defended herself!

"Oh? Did you hear me wrong?" When Mo Shenhan saw An Xiaoer blushing shyly, he thought it was very funny.

Deliberately prolonging the ending, making An Xiaoer even more shy, oh my god, it's so embarrassing!
"It's understandable that one person got it wrong, but it's a bit strange that two people got it wrong!" Lu Moxuan added such a sentence.

Then, An Xiaoer and Hua Yuexia blushed, lowered their heads, as if admitting their mistake!

Oops, how embarrassing, how embarrassing, talking about the topic of 'how is a man's kung fu', and then being overheard by a man!God, I'm going to lose my face!

Lu Moxuan and Mo Shenhan also cooperated seamlessly, and successfully made the faces of the two beloved people shy!

"Put on your clothes quickly, it's really cold on top." Mo Shenhan put An Xiaoer's overcoat on.

Lu Moxuan also took off her suit and put it on for Hua Yuexia.

These two men really make people love and hate at the same time!

While having a black belly and a poisonous tongue, she also brought warmth and concern to the extreme!
And An Xiaoer looked at the coat on her body, and felt very helpless at once. Obviously, she already had a coat on her body, so why don't she just bring the quilt from home over here for another one?
However, my heart is still warm.

When Mo Shenhan came to the balcony, he brought a special overcoat, which shows the care in it.

This is clearly here to find her!

Hua Yuexia watched as Lu Moxuan dragged down the suit for her to put on, but he didn't wear much. He only had a shirt and a vest at the moment. If this continues, he must catch a cold!
He quickly pulled the suit off his body again.

Return it to Lu Moxuan, "Put it on yourself, don't I don't have a cold by then, you will catch a cold first!"

Lu Moxuan loves Hua Yuexia, and Hua Yuexia loves Lu Moxuan even more.

These two are truly exemplary couples!
"No, you can wear it yourself, I'm in good health, I won't catch a cold!" Lu Moxuan put the suit on Hua Yuexia again.

Just like that, the two pushed back and forth, and they pushed several times!
An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan were watching them from the sidelines, they were also bored with their performance, they rolled their eyes, and quickly pulled Huayuexia!
"Okay, you guys can't do this. Why do you have to catch a cold alone? Go directly to the company. Wouldn't it be better to turn on the air conditioner?"

"They're clearly showing affection, on purpose." Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, and said this.

An Xiaoer laughed immediately, "Oh, it turned out to be a show of affection, but it's a pity that we couldn't show it to us, because we are not single!"

"We can also show it back."

As Mo Shenhan said, the corners of the lips of the two of them curled up into faint smiles, which was clearly a sign of husband and wife!
Mo Shenhan took An Xiaoer's hand and left directly, "Let's go, let's go and show our affection."

(End of this chapter)

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