The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 698 What's wrong with the Zhang family?

Chapter 698 How to go home with disheveled clothes?


An Xiaoer was dumbfounded when she heard Mo Shenhan's words!

This is... It turns out that everything is routine and scheming!
She has fallen into Mo Shenhan's pit!

No money to pay?Then that body pays off the debt!When it comes to joint property between husband and wife, then fulfill the duties of husband and wife!
After all, Mo Shenhan actually just used money as an excuse to play a trick for An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer was thinking about it, and it took her a long time to realize what Mo Shenhan's purpose was, but the aura that belonged to him was already approaching.

The kiss fell, and An Xiaoer's brain short-circuited again, following Mo Shenhan's movements, she reacted accordingly.

The black Aston Martin parked in the parking lot in a low-key manner, but it was turbulent in a high-key manner, shaking non-stop...

Fortunately, there was no one in the parking lot at the moment, and no one noticed them.

After some time, the pk between the two of them finally came to an end. Satisfied, Mo Shenhan helped An Xiaoer fasten her seat belt, and finally left like this.

Along the way, the thing An Xiaoer struggled with was her stockings. After all, it was afternoon and daytime, and it was gradually approaching five o'clock, the peak of the flow of people.

An Xiaoer is really worried, what should I do if someone sees her like this later?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to death?
An Xiaoer was really depressed to death!
Ahhh, if Mo Shenhan's clothes are still in good condition, then it shouldn't be such an embarrassing thing to ask Mo Shenhan to buy a new one, but at this time, you can be as depressed as you want Depressed!
You can only bear the evil you planted yourself!
"Mo Shenhan, how can we go home like this?" An Xiaoer was really troubled, very distressed!
Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, "Go somewhere else!"

"Eh..." Now that Mo Shenhan said this, An Xiaoer felt that she was relieved, there would be something to solve, so don't be so nervous!
However, if she went to another place... Then, wouldn't she be able to go back to see Xiao Guirong tonight?
"Han, we went to another place, so can I go back to the hospital tonight?" An Xiaoer struggled with this question.

Actually, I still want to go back, after all, something happened to An's, Xiao Guirong must be in a bad mood.

She wants to be with her.

"There will be a dedicated doctor to take care of it, so you don't have to worry about it, just go tomorrow morning." Mo Shenhan replied.

Since Mo Shenhan said so, An Xiaoer couldn't say anything, but nodded.

In fact, although An Xiaoer wanted to accompany Xiao Guirong, there was still a voice in her heart that resisted.

Obviously she treated Xiao Guirong really well!But Xiao Guirong said such a heartless word to her: An Xiaoer, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

These words will really hurt people a lot, An Xiaoer's heart is really worried.

It doesn't matter if you don't go back, Xiao Guirong might hate her very much when you come back, and if you go, not only can't accompany her, but it might even make her angry!
Mo Shenhan made a phone call, "Get two sets of clothes ready, women's, medium size."

Then, the phone hung up like that, An Xiaoer didn't know who he was calling, but the clothes he prepared should belong to her, right?
Later, Mo Shenhan parked the car in a bay.

It's a private sea area, there are no people there, Mo Shenhan just dragged An Xiaoer to walk on the beach...

(End of this chapter)

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