Chapter 700 Mo Shenhan's Mother
An Xiaoer's caring embrace and caring warmth made Mo Shenhan's mood less serious. He smiled lightly, "It's been so many years, and there are many things that I can't always remember."

This was a way to tell An Xiaoer not to worry about him.

An Xiaoer nodded, "No matter what, I hope you are happy."

Mo Shenhan smiled, and walked to the table beside him, on which there were photos of Mo Shenhan before.

An Xiaoer walked over and looked at the photo above.

Mo Shenhan's appearance looked like he was only two or three years old, and he was being dragged along by a very young and beautiful woman. Mo Shenhan still had a very satisfied smile on his face!
Such a smile is really nice!
It was so beautiful that An Xiaoer lost his mind.

But what?Mo Shenhan now, even if he smiles, it's a light smile, a charming smile, or, too often, he is indifferent and aloof.

An Xiaoer suddenly felt that Mo Shenhan had actually lost his smile over the years. In her heart, she felt a little emotional, "Mo Shenhan, when you were young, you were really cute! Look, how bright your smile is!"

"Is this your mother?" Although An Xiaoer had guessed that the person above might be Mo Shenhan's mother, she would not be sure until Mo Shenhan said yes.

Mo Shenhan gave an "en" and nodded.

Then, he looked at the woman in the photo, and his eyes gradually became more worried and sad.

The woman in the photo has a sweet smile and looks very happy. She has a delicate face and a good figure. She is wearing a white dress, which is really beautiful.

Such a woman, so beautiful, but, unexpectedly...

Mo Bozhi was too bothered, and he knew it when his wife changed one or the other.

An Xiaoer also sighed deeply, and suddenly thought of An Fengshao.

Are all men like that?No, it's not, it's just that some men are more disappointing.

An Xiaoer still believes that Mo Shenhan is a good man, and believes that he will treat her exclusively.

In love, a man and a woman rely on love, trust each other, and give each other warmth.

Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer were obviously like this.

Seeing Mo Shenhan holding the photo felt a little sad, An Xiaoer took Mo Shenhan's hand!
"Auntie, we are here to see you. I am Shenhan's wife now. I should be your doctor's mother! I will take care of Shenhan for you. In the days to come, I will be with him, no matter what happens in the future If so, I will follow him and keep going! I believe that Shenhan will take good care of me, and I will take good care of Shenhan."

An Xiaoer just held Mo Shenhan's hand and said something like this.

Mo Shenhan was indeed in a bad mood, but An Xiaoer's performance really moved him.

Putting the photo back on the original table, he hugged An Xiaoer tightly for a long time, taking a deep breath.

"Mom, have you seen it? Your son has grown up and is promising. Moreover, there is a woman he loves deeply. By the way, we also have a pair of lovely baby sons. One day, I will bring them together Get up at the villa and come to see you."

Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer tightly as he said these words.

The two love each other very much, rely on each other and cherish each other.

Maybe some people have passed away, but what should be seen will be seen, and has been blessed and protected...

(End of this chapter)

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