Chapter 708 Squeeze dry!

Mo Shenhan attacked, An Xiaoer responded, the two of them were doing the most intimate thing, An Xiaoer's face flushed, and at the most exciting point, deep voices and sighs followed each other.

However, the most intimate things must be done, and serious things must be done!

While attacking, Mo Shenhan didn't forget to apply shower gel on An Xiaoer's body and help her wash her body.

While shy, An Xiaoer listened to Mo Shenhan, and squeezed shower gel for him, just helping him to wash.

Taking a bath is originally a simple matter, but it can become complicated and intimate, and it is also a sublimation agent for the relationship between two people.

Love is like this, making boring things interesting, making interesting things more enjoyable.

The difference between one person and two people is the difference between boring and colorful!
I don't know how long it took, but the mingling between the two of them finally came to an end. Mo Shenhan helped An Xiaoer wipe off the water on her body and put her on a bathrobe. The two of them were so busy that they finally went out.

The time was close to nine o'clock. From seven o'clock after eating to nine o'clock now, they had been washing for two hours!
But it is really long enough!

An Xiao'er was lying on the bed, holding her mobile phone and wanted to call Xiao Guirong, but after struggling for a long time, she didn't know whether to call or not.

Maybe Xiao Guirong was not happy to receive her call, maybe she would be bored!
However, if she didn't call, An Xiaoer always had some worries in her heart, and she was also a little worried about Xiao Guirong.

After hesitating for a long time, An Xiaoer finally picked up the phone and made a call.

But, the phone is on the phone.

An Xiaoer sighed, wondering who Xiao Guirong was talking on the phone at this time.

Mo Shenhan was holding the computer and dealing with some things. From the corner of his eye, he pointed out that seeing An Xiaoer sighing, there was not much reaction on his face.

Mo Shenhan's expression was one of calmness and control of everything.

At the computer, the screen that appeared was some operating system. In fact, Xiao Guirong's phone was not in the middle of a call, but Mo Shenhan used the computer to control An Xiaoer's phone.

Mo Shenhan didn't want her to talk to Xiao Guirong on the phone.

At this moment, he is busy dealing with some matters of An Fengshao and An's, and he just wants to get everything done as quickly as possible!
At the beginning, An's had the opportunity to cooperate with 'Xi Han Yi Yu', and Mo Shenhan intervened in it, so that An's development gradually improved, and the company's development has gradually begun to grow. .

An Fengshao also slowly gained some complacency!
However, Mo Shenhan's purpose is not to help An's, but, if you want to make a person fall worse, then you must first praise him even higher!

He forced An Xiaoer to steal the design, and Mo Shenhan knew all about the deeds behind it!

Originally, Mo Shenhan's eyes couldn't tolerate sand, and because An Fengshao actually humiliated An Xiao'er in the hospital last time, Mo Shenhan would not allow the woman he held in his hands to be treated like this!
An Fengshao always pleases An Xiao'er when he needs it, and hates him when he doesn't need it!

How could Mo Shenhan allow these things to happen?

Now that Anshi has been helped up, now is the time to slam it down and squeeze out all the valuable things.

(End of this chapter)

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