Chapter 719 Not lonely every night!

"I was too tired last night, and she was not feeling well. Let's eat first, and leave her alone."

Seeing his father's angry look, Mo Shenhan replied calmly.

I was so tired last night!These simple four words contain too many things, adults will think too much!

Suddenly everyone lowered their heads and ate.

Mo Bozhi's face was ugly, and Mo Shenhan said such embarrassing words at the dinner table. He grimaced and snorted coldly, "With such a woman by your side, you probably won't be lonely every night!"

The sarcasm in those words is obvious!
That's right, in Mo Bozhi's impression, An Xiaoer is the kind of woman who can fiercely handle three men by herself.

Mo Bozhi never had a good impression of An Xiaoer!

Therefore, when Mo Shenhan said the words 'too tired last night', Mo Bozhi would naturally think a lot.

Of course, the fact is true, they were really tired last night!

Hearing what Mo Bozhi said, although it was full of sarcasm, Mo Shenhan admitted generously, "Yes, with her, I will not be lonely anymore, and I won't be lonely all the time. It's as if with her, you have the whole world!"

These words are clearly intended to piss off Mo Bozhi's rhythm!
Moreover, Mo Bozhi's words were clearly mocking, but when Mo Shenhan said this, his taste changed completely.

After all, not being lonely every night really makes people think a lot.

However, if you are not lonely all the time, then the meaning changes, it is a change from the so-called "sex" to "love"!
I have to say, Mo Shenhan is very good at talking!

But it's true, Mo Shenhan is already a veteran in the mall, dealing with all kinds of customers every day in the mall, so it's easy to get rid of the embarrassment.

Mo Bozhi was mocking at first, but Mo Shenhan sprinkled a wave of dog food, he snorted coldly, and finally stopped talking and just started eating.

Yangyang and Niannian were listening to the conversation between their father and grandpa, secretly laughing, not daring to speak out.

But Mo Shenlie's face turned cold when he heard these words, and he didn't say anything, but the corners of his lips became more angry.

Seeing that Mo Shenhan's life is so good now, with a loved one who lacks everything, he is not happy.

Be sure to break them up!

An Xiaoer, he must find a way to get it.

After lunch, Mo Shenhan returned to the room. An Xiaoer was sleeping soundly, with a faint smile on her face. She was probably on a date with Zhou Ding!

Curious what Duke Zhou looks like?What does Mo Shenhan look like, so of course Duke Zhou who belongs to An Xiaoer looks like that!
Mo Shenhan pressed a kiss on An Xiaoer's face, turned around, closed the door and went out.

Mo Shenhan closed the door tightly before leaving. After all, there is a dangerous person living in the house!
Mo Shenhan is a vigilant person, he is on guard against many things.

After all, it is essential to be on guard against others. Paying more attention to yourself can reduce a lot of crises.

Mo Shenhan walked towards Yangyang's room, thinking of what An Xiaoer said in the morning, Mo Shenhan remembered it in his heart, since she is asleep, then don't bother her, just take the children out by himself .

At this moment, Yangyang is in contact with Ou Zhifeng, and the chat system has finally come out under Yangyang's dedicated research and development.

Several people were chatting with the chat software designed by Yangyang, when Mo Shenhan knocked on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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