Chapter 726 Baby, where are the clothes?

"Hahaha!" When Mo Shenhan said that it was very refreshing, An Xiaoer finally couldn't help laughing!

Because, Mo Shenhan's expression of pain because of the mustard just now is so funny!

"Laughing at me?" Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's heartless smile, squinted his eyes and said this sentence.

Then, An Xiaoer was sad again, and an angry guy grabbed her lips and kissed her directly!

Between the kisses, the breaths of the two blended together, and with the smell of mustard, the breath of small sentiments heated up again.

"Hmm..." An Xiaoer was embarrassed, why was she kissed again?
Mo Shenhan smiled, and the two of them just finished eating the sushi. It was a simple meal, but it was so ambiguous and warm.

"When did you go out to buy food and come back?" An Xiaoer sat on the sofa contentedly and asked Mo Shenhan.

"Just now, I took those two brats out to buy clothes." Mo Shenhan replied.

"Go shopping for clothes? Why don't you wake me up?"

Only then did An Xiaoer realize that she had agreed with Mo Shenhan this morning to take the children out to buy new clothes, but she actually forgot about it!
It's really annoying!
Hey, I overslept and forgot everything!
Thinking of the red wine she drank, she slept soundly!

"Seeing how well you sleep, I won't bother you. It's the same for anyone who buys it." Mo Shenhan replied.

Then, Mo Shenhan went to show An Xiaoer the things he bought for her.

"This is for you." Mo Shenhan took out a coat.

The coat is knee-length, and the style is the most popular new style this year. The color of light blue is basically the same as the color of the sky.

An Xiaoer hurriedly tried it on. As soon as she put on her clothes, she felt very warm.

Well, this winter, with Mo Shenhan and the clothes Mo Shenhan sent, it is very warm!
"It's pretty!" An Xiaoer looked at the mirror for a long time, and finally said with emotion.

I have to say, Mo Shenhan's vision is really good!An Xiaoer liked every piece of clothing he gave her!It's really great!

"Where are the clothes for the babies?" An Xiaoer asked.

However, on second thought, the children's clothes should be stored in their room, right?
"They keep it by themselves." Mo Shenhan replied.

Just as An Xiaoer thought, "I'll go and have a look."

Mo Shenhan nodded, and went out together.

Mo Shenhan's room was on the third floor, and Yangyang and Niannian's room was also on the third floor. An Xiaoer and the others went directly to Yangyang's room, and Niannian was there directly.

After looking at the clothes of the babies, she actually bought several sets, and the prices were very high. An Xiaoer couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Mo Shenhan's generosity!

However, compared with the money Mo Shenhan earned, this money is nothing but a drop in the bucket!

The babies put on their clothes for An Xiaoer to take a look at. They all looked pretty, and the children liked them too. Naturally, An Xiaoer was very satisfied. It was a pity that Mo Shenhan didn't take her to give the children a look. Let's buy some clothes!
This year is really getting closer...

But at this moment, An Xiaoer's cell phone rang, and An Xiaoer picked it up to look at it, and it turned out to be Chu Qingye's call.

Mo Shenhan was at the side, An Xiaoer didn't want him to know that she was going to answer Qingye's call, so she turned around and left.

"Hello?" An Xiaoer walked to the stairs on the second and third floors, and stood on the window sill.

"Xiao'er..." Chu Qingye's voice...

(End of this chapter)

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