Chapter 740 It's a Big Deal to Die Together!
"Consequences? What are the consequences?" An Man looked proudly at An Xiaoer, "Oh, you mean Young Master Mo? I forgot, you are his wife now, no wonder you are so proud!"

When talking about Mo Shenhan, the smile on An Manran's face remained the same, she was not afraid, but smiled.

"However, don't worry, if there are any consequences, it will be borne by that dying woman! Do you know why you were caught by me so smoothly? It's because that woman led you to the hospital! "

Saying that, An Man suddenly smiled!

"And, do you know? She said, arrest you, and then use it to threaten Mo Shenhan, so that An's will be fine! She also said, I just do it, and the consequences will be all up to you." She will bear it!"

An Manran's face was filled with pride, seeing An Xiaoer's distressed look at the moment, she just mocked and despised her!

"Tell me, what qualifications do you have to be Young Master Mo's wife? Could it be because of these breasts? This waist? And this butt?" An Manran looked at An Xiaoer sarcastically, "Men, as expected, all Love this kind of stuff!"

The humiliation and irony in those words are obvious!
"Enough!" An Xiaoer was very angry!
It turned out that when she went to the hospital, it was not because Xiao Guirong wanted to ask her to save An Shi!They have already planned, if she doesn't agree, then directly threaten to kidnap her!
But it is really enough!
All she wanted was to save Xiao Guirong, even if she hurt her and attacked her with words, she still wanted to save her!

But what?
The ending turned out to be like this, together with her biological daughter, they came to kidnap her picked-up daughter, and, for the sake of her biological daughter, she was willing to bear it by herself if something happened!

In the past, when Xiao Guirong was indifferent and bad towards her, An Xiaoer comforted herself and said, don't think too much, Xiao Guirong has that kind of personality, no matter what, she thought that Xiao Guirong was her mother and would not harm her of!

However, I found out later that Xiao Guirong is not indifferent to everyone, at least she has always been very good to An Manran.

And there is only one reason, that is, An Manran is her biological daughter.

Picked it up, as expected, no matter how long they get along, they can't compare to that October pregnancy!
What about now?He just colluded with his own daughter and kidnapped her!
Then, threaten Mo Shenhan to save An's!
But, isn't An Manran too self-righteous?

"An Manran, do you really think that you can threaten Mo Shenhan?" An Xiaoer looked at An Manran with indifference.

"Aren't you too naive, don't forget, the fate of angering Mo Shenhan is nothing good! Think about it for yourself, what is the fate of angering Mo Shenhan in the past!"

An Xiaoer warns An Manran.

"It's best for you to let me go now. As long as you let me go, I can pretend that this has never happened. However, if you persist in your obsession, what will happen to you is really mysterious!"

At this moment, An Xiao'er can only remind An Manran. Even if she knew what she said, An Manran wouldn't listen to it at all, but at least it could delay the time.

Mo Shenhan will definitely come to rescue her, so An Xiaoer only needs to be responsible for delaying the time!
"Hehe... I can't threaten Mo Shenhan!" An Manran smiled, "But, don't I have you as a bargaining chip? What's the big deal? We all die together, and I don't feel like I've lost money!"

(End of this chapter)

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