Chapter 768 What are you doing?
Is it Mo Shenhan?
An Xiaoer drank too much wine, at this moment, she felt dizzy, Mo Shenhan was shaking in front of her eyes!

Her head is dizzy.

"Deep cold..." However, no matter how dizzy An Xiaoer was, she still had to stand up!Because, she really missed Mo Shenhan so much!

An Xiaoer tried her best to stand up, and walked towards the swaying figure, "Shenhan, don't move, I'm dizzy..."

He was shaking all the time, An Xiaoer couldn't stand it, and finally came in front of him!
An Xiaoer didn't think about anything, so she hugged him quickly!

"Do you know how much I miss you?" At this moment, except for tears, An Xiaoer misses you deeply!
"I thought I'd never see you again. I'm so happy to see you now!" An Xiaoer had a silly smile on her face, hugged him, and kept muttering to herself.

Mo Shenlie has been standing on the spot without moving, even if An Xiaoer is holding him like that at this moment, he has not moved!
On An Xiaoer's body, the woman's body fragrance and the smell of wine mixed together. At this moment, Mo Shenlie also drank some more wine, and he was also drunk!
Looking at An Xiaoer at this moment, he didn't push her away, but he didn't move, he just let her hold her.

Mo Shenlie's heart was a little tangled...

Ever since the last car accident, he always missed her for no reason, but that kind of miss was mixed with the idea of ​​using An Xiaoer to take revenge on Mo Shenhan, which made him wonder how much he loved An Xiaoer. What kind of feelings.

At this moment, her gentleness is so close to him, An Xiaoer's gentleness, he can't help himself when he is drunk!

Hand, slowly approaching An Xiaoer's back, wanting to hug her back.

"Shenhan, I really miss you, miss you so much..." An Xiaoer was in a daze. At this moment, she thought that Mo Shenlie was Mo Shenhan, and kept acting coquettishly to express her missing.

Moreover, An Xiao'er has a good figure, her chest is pressed against Mo Shenlie's chest, her breath and the aroma of wine sway on his face.

Mo Shenlie was slowly moved!
"I miss you too..." Mo Shenlie knew that An Xiaoer actually missed Mo Shenhan, but at this moment, he was confused and just hugged An Xiaoer tightly!
There is a very selfish urge to possess her!

Mo Shenlie wanted to kiss An Xiaoer...

His hand was already approaching An Xiaoer's face, trying to hold her head.

"What are you doing?" Mo Ruiyang suddenly appeared in front of An Xiaoer and Mo Shenlie at this moment!
Mo Shenlie was almost able to succeed, at least, he could also taste An Xiaoer's sweet kiss, but Mo Ruiyang came in at this time, which really made him depressed!

"Mom, you're drunk..." Mo Ruiyang went straight up and pulled An Xiaoer away.

An Xiaoer, who was drunk, just collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep again!
Seeing that An Xiaoer was finally fine, Mo Ruiyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Ruiyang looked at Mo Shenlie, with indifference and warning in his deep eyes, "Uncle, why did you appear in my father and mother's room? Also, what do you mean by hugging my mother?" ?”

If he hadn't come to An Xiaoer's room, then something tragic might be about to happen!

"Yangyang, you misunderstood. Uncle was worried about your mother, so he wanted to come and take a look. However, your mother was drunk and thought I was your father..."

(End of this chapter)

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