Chapter 783 Xiaoer, Come Over
"Mobile phone?" Su Manting didn't expect that as soon as he woke up, he just borrowed the phone and was stunned for a while.

After reacting, he hurriedly handed the phone to Mo Shenhan.

Mo Shenhan took the phone and quickly called An Xiaoer.

Mo Shenhan's memory is amazing, how is An Xiaoer's cell phone?

He doesn't know how An Xiaoer is doing now, and besides, An Xiaoer must be worried about him now, right?

Right now, An Xiao'er was being dragged to the street by Chu Qingye, who was about to take her to the beach for a walk. After all, the sea is so wide that people can forget many things.

"Xiao'er, I don't want you to be too sad about Mo Shenhan, even if..." Chu Qingye was talking to An Xiaoer while driving.

At this moment, An Xiaoer's cell phone rang.

An unfamiliar number, An Xiaoer was puzzled for a moment, not knowing whose call it was, but she still quickly answered it.

"Hello?" An Xiaoer thought with a tentative voice.

When Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer's voice, he was very excited!
"Xiao'er, it's me!" Mo Shenhan's voice was very soft, and his face was usually indifferent, but now, hearing An Xiao'er's voice, his heart was already warmed!

When An Xiaoer heard this voice, she fell silent immediately, and her eyes began to overflow with tears.

"Mo Shenhan?!" I don't know how long there was silence, the tears in my eyes burst out when I read this sentence!

In the past few days, she has shed tears every day, and she is always looking forward to Mo Shenhan's return. These few days, it is really a lot of torture!

Finally, finally, I heard Mo Shenhan's voice!

"Well, it's me, Xiao'er, are you alright?" Mo Shenhan's voice was soft, gentle, and deeply yearning!

An Xiaoer's voice suddenly choked up, "Bastard, where are you, do you know, I miss you every day, no, I always think, why did you disappear for so long?"

The lovesickness and grievances of the past few days turned into tears, and An Xiaoer was extremely excited!

"There is a small hospital near the warehouse where the accident happened. I'm here. I'll send you the location on WeChat."

"Okay!" An Xiaoer nodded and wiped away her tears with a tissue. Although she was crying, she was never as happy as she is now!

Without saying too much, An Xiaoer hung up the phone after saying "yes", because at this moment, listening to Mo Shenhan's voice was nothing compared to seeing An Xiaoer here made her happy !

As soon as she hung up the phone, she opened WeChat. However, Mo Shenhan's location hadn't been sent yet. An Xiaoer waited for a minute, but then WeChat didn't send a message, but a text message sent the address.

It turned out that Mo Shenhan was too excited, he was used to WeChat, and felt that it was very convenient to use WeChat to send addresses, but Mo Shenhan actually forgot that it was not his mobile phone, but someone else's.

Logging in to WeChat requires verification codes and the like, all kinds of troubles, and it is very inconvenient without his mobile phone by his side.

So, Mo Shenhan could only ask Su Manting, "I forgot, I can't access WeChat now, can you tell me, where is this?"

Su Manting's face has changed from joy just now to disappointment and paleness...

It turns out that he really has someone he likes, but she has been wishful thinking for so many days!
(End of this chapter)

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