Chapter 785 Do you love her very much?
"What did you say?" Mo Shenhan was stunned when he heard Su Manting's words!

His face was stunned, without any smile, very indifferent.

Su Manting actually told Mo Shenhan that she liked him!And, let him be with her.

Mo Shenhan's face was dark, and he looked at her in surprise, never expecting that she would say such a thing.

"I'm already married." Mo Shenhan finally said this with a cold face.

Although it is a life-saving grace, it is not necessary to repay it with a promise of body, right?

When Su Manting looked at Mo Shenhan and said that he was married, her face was calm, and she could see that she was a little more indifferent.

She felt even more uncomfortable and embarrassed.

I thought to myself, at this moment, the man in front of me should think that she is crazy about men, right?

Otherwise, how can you be with someone who is speaking for the first time?

Su Manting forced a smile on her face, feeling uncomfortable about this embarrassment.

"I'm just joking, don't take it to heart..."

Although there was a smile on his face, the feeling in his heart was indeed very sad.

She didn't know why she said the words to let the man in front of her be with him. She knew that he already had a sweetheart, but she still said those words!
It's really too embarrassing!

Maybe it's just a gamble?

Or, are you not reconciled?

Taking care of him for the past few days, unknowingly, I even fell in love with him, obviously I didn't say a word, I just took care of him like this...

It turns out that liking someone can be so fast sometimes, just by taking a look, you will be fascinated unconsciously.

Su Manting didn't know why she could say such a thing, maybe she really had a little bit of expectation in her heart, knowing that there were already people in his family, but she still had a little bit of expectation.

Su Manting really didn't understand this kind of herself, so she finally fell silent.

"En." Mo Shenhan looked at her disappointed but strong smile, and just hummed lightly, without any answer.

Su Manting's heart was hurt because of this. When he was in a coma, he was very quiet. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, he was even more indifferent and cold.

Such reticence and a cold face really made Su Manting forget how to react.

"I really don't need anything in return for saving you. It's just a little effort. It's nothing. In fact, I don't need anything in return from you. As for what I said just now, I was really joking. I want to test the relationship between you and the person you like. It's just feelings."

As Su Manting said, another smile appeared on her face, "You and your wife seem to be very affectionate. You should be very happy, right?"

"Well, it's okay." When it came to whether Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer's relationship was happy or not, Mo Shenhan's face softened slightly.

Obviously what he said was "okay" instead of "very good", but from the changes on his face and even the smile on his lips, it can be seen that he loves the one he loves in his heart. , how deeply in love.

"What's your name?" Mo Shenhan looked at Su Manting and asked.

Su Manting didn't want to continue talking about the repayment, because she just felt embarrassed. Now that Mo Shenhan took the initiative to change the topic, she was relieved.

"My name is Su Manting, what about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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