Chapter 791 I Am Your Aunt

Mo Shenhan looked at the old man in front of him, let alone, he didn't know.

However, looking at his face, Mo Shenhan could guess who he was.

"Grandpa." Mo Shenhan called out lightly.

Although Mo Shenhan didn't know Chu Feng, at this age, Chu Qingye also came together just now, and there were two people standing beside him, neither of whom knew him.

He first thought that these people were related to Chu Qingye.

Moreover, I have seen Chu Qiao and Chu Feng's family photos in the photos before, and it looks like they should be them!

"Haha, Shenhan, are you so old? Your uncle and I heard that something happened to you, so we came here specially to take a look. It's been decades, and it's true that we haven't seen each other for too long. Can you recognize me? , surprised me!"

When he said this, Chu Feng even became a little sad.

"Grandpa, I know, I've seen the photos of you and my mother." Mo Shenhan replied with more patience in language and attitude.

"Speaking of your mother, Shen Han, grandpa was at fault for this matter, but it's too late to know what's wrong about many things! I'm sorry for your mother." Chu Feng sighed.

"Grandpa, it's been so many years, let's not mention it."

When Chu Feng mentioned Chu Qiao, his words were sad, but Mo Shenhan didn't want to mention it.

"This matter has nothing to do with grandpa. We have nothing to do when it happens."

Because Chu Qiao was mentioned, the atmosphere was a bit bad. Chu Feng looked at Mo Shenhan as if he was not very happy, so he didn't continue to mention this matter, and could only remain silent.

"Shen Han, in short, it's good that you're fine. This time, we and your grandfather heard that something happened to you, so we came here to take a look. Looking at it now, it's good that you're fine!" Chu Yuanlin looked at Mo Shenhan, and said said a word.

The more people there are, the more things will be said.

Mo Shenhan didn't expect the Chu family to come over, so he was a little surprised, but he could tell that he was happy.

After all, no matter what, they are all from his mother's natal family.

At this time, Chu Qingye and Su Manting also came in, and the family gathered together, talking about some homely things.

"Deep cold, these days when you were in a coma, is this girl saving you and taking care of you?" Liu Piaolan asked Su Manting with a searching look, but she was also very friendly and polite.

"En." Mo Shenhan nodded, "This is the sister I know, Su Manting." Mo Shenhan introduced everyone.

"Isn't this the sister we met at the beach last time?" When Nian Nian saw Su Manting, she was surprised immediately, and hurried up to hold his hand.

"Sister, what a coincidence, it was you who saved my father!"

"Yeah, it's a coincidence." Su Manting didn't expect to meet Nian Nian again, so she smiled immediately.

Mo Shenye was still standing beside him. Mo Shenye didn't say anything. He looked at Su Manting with monstrous eyes, but didn't speak.

Reunions are always joyful.

Also because of this incident, Mo Shenhan had an extra sister.

It's just that Su Manting always feels a little sigh in this relationship with younger sisters.

Because, after taking care of Mo Shenhan these days, she really had some feelings for Mo Shenhan, but he not only has a wife, but also a child...

"Niannian, Yangyang, we are really destined. From now on, I will be your god-aunt!" Su Manting said this sentence pretending to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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