Chapter 801
The next morning, while An Xiaoer was still asleep, An Yingnian came to knock on the door.

Mo Shenhan walked over to open the door, and saw Mo Yingnian, very puzzled.

"Nian Nian?" Mo Shenhan looked at Mo Ying Nian with doubts on his face.

This brat came to knock on the door early in the morning, so he didn't know that his parents were very tired last night, so they want to rest in the morning?

At this time, he actually came to bother him. If nothing happened, Mo Shenhan would definitely let this little guy know what it means to beat a mandarin duck with a stick.

"Dad, Yang Yang hasn't woken up yet. He said he's going out with me for breakfast at seven o'clock today!"

"Then you go and knock on the door." Mo Shenhan answered such a matter with some helplessness.

Nian Nian actually came to find Mo Shenhan because Yangyang didn't get up to accompany him to have breakfast, Mo Shenhan felt that Nian Nian really thought he was such a trivial matter when he was young!

"I knocked on the door, but he didn't open. Dad, is there something wrong with Yangyang?" Nian Nian asked Mo Shenhan, puzzled.

Mo Shenhan was a little puzzled, and there was a scrutinizing look in his eyes. Yangyang usually kept his promise after agreeing to others, but today he not only didn't get up, but also didn't open the door after Nian Nian knocked, which was a bit strange.

Mo Shenhan and Niannian walked towards Mo Ruiyang's room.

Mo Shenhan knocked on the door several times, but no one answered, and he felt even more puzzled.

He went to the study to get the unlock key, and then opened the door of Yangyang's room.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yang Yang was still lying on the bed, and the quilt was not covered well!
This is really not like the usual Yangyang!
Mo Shenhan's eyes deepened, and as he approached Yangyang, he found that his face was flushed, and something seemed wrong.

Mo Shenhan touched Yangyang's forehead, it was very hot.

Mo Shenhan knew that Yangyang might be sick, and felt a little nervous, so he quickly filled up Yangyang and walked towards the door.

"Nian Nian, hurry to find your mother, father is taking Yang Yang to the hospital now."

After saying that, Mo Shenhan didn't care about that much anymore, and hurriedly took Yangyang downstairs, got into the car, and walked towards the hospital.

The housekeeper at home knew some meager medical skills, and he took care of Yangyang in the car, with a serious expression on his face.

"Second young master, young master doesn't look like he has a fever, but has been poisoned. You can see that his lips are a little purple, and his eyes are not quite right."

Mo Shenhan's eyebrows frowned immediately.

"Are you sure?"

In the Mo family, how could Yang Yang be poisoned?This point is very strange.

Moreover, Yangyang slept all night last night, if it is poisoning, isn't it?
"This poison doesn't seem that strong, and it won't be fatal immediately. However, I have never encountered such symptoms. I still have to wait until I go to the hospital to understand it!"

The butler said with worried eyes.

Mo Shenhan was even more worried, and the speed of the car increased a lot.

When Mo Ruiyang saw Mo Shenhan driving himself, his face was red and he looked very weak.

"Dad, where's Mom? You have to be careful of Mo Qingge, she, I saw her above your door last night, sneaking around, I don't know what she's doing."

Yangyang is sick at the moment, but the first thing that comes to mind is to make Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer beware of Mo Qingge.

(End of this chapter)

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