Chapter 837 Is She Crying?
An Xiao'er finally left. In the darkness, relying on her legs, she left the gate of the Mo family step by step.

There were no taxis on the road of the villa, so An Xiaoer walked for an hour before finally reaching the street.

However, after An Xiaoer left, the relationship between the Mo family and the Chu family was even more embarrassing because of An Xiaoer's quarrel!
"Bastard, why don't you apologize to your cousin?" Chu Linyuan glared at Chu Qingye, asking him to apologize to Mo Shenhan.

From everyone's point of view, it was obvious that Chu Qingye had cuckolded Mo Shenhan!
"I was here with An Xiaoer just now, nothing happened, and there is no apology!" Chu Qingye was also stubborn, and when everyone was looking at him, he said such a sentence.

Mo Shenhan hugged Niannian, "No need to apologize, there is no need to worry about this matter!"

After finishing speaking, he held Mo Yingnian in his arms, and walked directly towards the villa and back to his room.

Chu Qingye looked at Mo Shenhan's trace, but didn't say a word, "If you don't leave, the plane will be too late, so let's go first!"

Chu Qingye is really calm. At this time, he still remembers the matter of the plane.

"Can't make it to the plane? Even if we can't make it, this matter has to be settled, otherwise, how can we go like this?" Old man Chu Feng was also very angry!

Originally, they came to see Mo Shenhan because they were worried about their grandson.

But, he didn't expect such a thing to happen. How could he get rid of his old face?

When Mo Shenhan heard Chu Feng's words, he stopped and turned around, "Grandpa, you go back first, this matter is nothing, I will take care of it, after all, the Chu family has a lot of things to deal with, right? You stay here , can’t solve anything, it’s all like this.”

Mo Shenhan is very calm!

"In-laws, you should go back first. This matter has nothing to do with it. It's all about our own family. It's just a joke. Our Mo family can solve it." Seeing that Mo Shenhan had said this, Liu Piaolan also smiled Circus.

"Okay, there are indeed some things to deal with, so let's go first, Shenhan, don't worry, I will definitely take care of Qing Ye, and won't let him have any contact with that woman!"

Although Chu Linyuan also wanted to settle the matter before leaving, but Mo Shenhan was right, there was nothing that could be settled properly in this matter.

If you stay, there may not be any good results.

Besides, they have a lot of things to do at home too!
Finally, the Chu family left!
Mo Qingge saw that the matter had finally developed to this step, and smiled complacently, her face was full of complacency.

Although she was very reluctant to leave Chu Qingye, she told herself that she had already removed the biggest hidden danger of An Xiaoer, and she would have a lot of opportunities to be with Chu Qingye in the future.

The Mo family's car sent the three of the Chu family to the airport. On the way, Chu Qingye saw An Xiaoer walking alone, seeming to be crying.

A look of panic flashed across his face, and he hurriedly told the driver to stop.

"Stop the car."

However, Chu Linyuan and Chu Feng are very clear about the purpose of Chu Qingye's parking!
"What car to park? Don't stop, go directly to the airport!" Chu Linyuan spoke!

The driver is the driver of the Mo family, and he was dissatisfied with An Xiaoer's affairs. After all, An Xiaoer hurt the Mo family!
At this moment, of course, I won't stop the car, so I just left!

(End of this chapter)

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