Chapter 846 What Did You Do To My Mom

"What?" Yang Yang's face became dilated upon hearing this, "When did he come?"

"Just, 10 minutes ago." The front desk clerk said casually.

"Where is my mother..." Mo Ruiyang became anxious, like this, his mother is about to have an accident?
"Kid, we can't..." The front desk staff was also very anxious!
"Quickly tell me, An Xiaoer is in that suite!" Ou Zhifeng became impatient, and directly picked up the gun.

At this time, someone actually took a gun, which really scared the staff silly!
"In the……"

After she finished speaking, Yangyang didn't think about anything, asked the staff for the room card, and rushed to the elevator with Ou Zhifeng!
"Don't panic, it's okay!" Ou Zhifeng comforted.

He saw that Yangyang's expression was extremely ugly at this moment, and he was also anxious.

It's just a five-year-old child, it really doesn't look like this at all!

After finally reaching An Xiaoer's room, they opened the door with the room card.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Mo Shenlie hugging An Xiaoer, Yangyang's eyes turned red immediately, "Let me go, my mother!"

As he said that, he went up directly. It looked like he was going to fight Mo Shenlie!
Of course, if there was a real fight, the final result would be that Yangyang lost. After all, with his slender arms and short legs, how could he be compared with a 1.8-meter adult?

However, at this moment, Mo Shenlie didn't make trouble with him.

"Why did you come here?"

Mo Shenlie put An Xiaoer on the bed, looked at Mo Ruiyang and said.

Mo Ruiyang doesn't have time to talk to Mo Shenlie right now!I just looked at my mother!

"Mom, mom, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing An Xiaoer's blushing face, and the three empty wine bottles on the table, he could probably guess.

However, An Xiaoer's clothes are still well-dressed at the moment, and it seems that Mo Shenlie hasn't taken advantage of her yet.

Fortunately, he came early, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

This Ou Zhifeng is really a villain, he only knows how to take advantage of others' dangers!

At this moment, to get An Xiaoer drunk, others will know what his intentions are!
An Xiaoer saw Yangyang, but she was completely stupid, "Wine, I want to drink, play with water, I want to play with water!"

Mo Ruiyang sighed, and looked at Mo Shenlie, "Is there any problem with the wine my mother drank? Could it be that you put some medicine on it?"

Mo Shenlie's face was embarrassed. This kind of feeling of being caught and caught without doing something bad is really not good at all.

"She's in a bad mood, so she's just yelling for a drink. What can I do?" Mo Shenlie could only defend himself at this moment.

Was the red wine what An Xiaoer said she wanted?

In fact, it was not at all, but Mo Shenlie ordered people to prepare, okay?
However, no one corrected me at this time, and Mo Ruiyang didn't bother to say anything, so he glanced at him, "Forgive you for not daring to do anything to my mother."

The corner of Mo Ruiyang's eyes was as cold as ice, making Mo Shenlie feel that just being watched by him made his body feel cold unknowingly!

He is just a five-year-old child, but he has such a big aura, and he is really brave, and he said a word of arrogance: I'm sorry you don't dare to do anything to my mother!
No, Mo Shenlie didn't dare?It's just that Yang Yang came in time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!
(End of this chapter)

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