Chapter 957 Are you going to have a bad joke?

This woman is none other than Lin Yiyi.

I have to say, only Lin Yiyi dared to continue to harass her after Mo Shenhan hung up on her once!

"Mo Shenhan, does this woman call you every morning?" An Xiaoer was very angry, calling once was enough, and now she dares to call!

Mo Shenhan's complexion was also a bit ugly, but the reason for the unattractiveness was not because of An Xiaoer, but because of Lin Yiyi's ignorance of flattery.

"No, it's just today." Mo Shenhan replied.

Indeed, Lin Yiyi didn't always harass Mo Shenhan, but today, she knew that Mo Shenhan hadn't come home, and because she had Dugu Xinyue, she felt a little nervous, so she called.

Because Lin Yiyi was worried that Dugu Xinyue snatched Mo Shenhan away.

Indeed, as Lin Yiyi guessed, Mo Shenhan was indeed with Dugu Xinyue.

"I hate her!" An Xiaoer pouted. At this moment, she said this to Mo Shenhan willfully. Yes, An Xiaoer really hates Lin Yiyi. What does it mean to keep harassing Mo Shenhan? ?

Well, that's her fiancé, how can she not watch him more closely?But, that was An Xiaoer's husband, and she didn't allow Lin Yiyi to always keep it in her heart!

"Well, so, do you want to be angry with her?" Mo Shenhan was really happy when he heard An Xiaoer say that he hated Lin Yiyi, because it meant that An Xiaoer was jealous, and being jealous meant that he was in his heart. !
In this year, although Mo Shenhan was surrounded by many women, his main purpose was to anger An Xiaoer, and let An Xiaoer know his purpose of becoming fancy through some media and platforms.

However, Mo Shenhan has never had any substantive relationship with those women. Too many women want to climb into Mo Shenhan's bed, but the only woman who can really climb up is An Xiaoer. The man Mo Shenhan loves is still An Xiaoer!

"Why are you angry?" Hearing Mo Shenhan say that she could be angry with Lin Yiyi, An Xiaoer's eyes were shining with excitement. She was indeed very interested!
When Mo Shenhan saw An Xiaoer's interest, an unfathomable smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and then he directly pressed the answer button.

An Xiaoer was a little upset when she saw that Mo Shenhan actually answered Lin Yiyi's call, but since Mo Shenhan said that she was angry with Lin Yiyi, then it should be for this purpose, right?
Therefore, An Xiaoer didn't say anything, but looked at Mo Shenhan suspiciously, wanting to see what he was going to do next.

Mo Shenhan turned on the speakerphone, and the voice suddenly became louder, and Lin Yiyi's voice came from inside.

"Han, where are you? I just heard from Uncle Mo that you didn't go back to Mo's house, so I'm a little worried about you..."

"Han, I prepared breakfast, do you want to come over to eat?"

Lin Yiyi's voice was soft and weak, giving people a very gentle feeling, but An Xiaoer could hear it very upset.

Didn't Mo Shenhan say to be angry with Lin Yiyi?But, are you angry with An Xiaoer now?An Xiaoer was very dissatisfied, "Mo..."

However, just as An Xiaoer was about to speak, Mo Shenhan's kiss landed on An Xiaoer's lips, directly blocking her mouth.

Then, the hand directly explored An Xiaoer's sensitive area, and began to explore excitingly...

"Ah~" An Xiaoer couldn't hold back, and finally sighed softly!

(End of this chapter)

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