Chapter 999 I Obviously Care About You
An Xiaoer ran for a while, and finally ran to a nearby pharmacy. She held Mo Shenhan's medicine bottle tightly in her hand, and then handed it to the shopping guide of the pharmacy, "Please help me buy a bottle." This medicine."

The shopping guide looked at An Xiaoer's drenched appearance, and felt distressed, "Miss, are you okay?"

An Xiaoer shook her head, "It's okay, please help me get the medicine, the sooner the better!"

"Okay, wait a moment." The shopping guide nodded and quickly went to get the medicine.

An Xiaoer's heart was ups and downs, she was very nervous at this moment, she was really worried about Mo Shenhan's condition, and she hoped that the sooner the better.

When the shopping guide went to get the medicine, she also hurriedly took out the money. After the shopping guide brought the medicine to her, she was relieved and gave the money to the shopping guide.

"Thank you, there's no need for change!" An Xiaoer took the money to the shopping guide, said so, and left.

Because she didn't have any change in her wallet, the shopping guide would have to wait some time to find the money. An Xiaoer could not wait to run over to find Mo Shenhan right now.

"Wait a minute Miss!" Seeing An Xiaoer's hurried look, the shopping guide hurriedly called An Xiaoer to stop.

An Xiaoer was really in a hurry, she frowned slightly, "I said, no more change!"

The shopping guide also noticed that An Xiaoer was very anxious, "Miss, I'm sorry, I see it's raining heavily outside, you can take this umbrella! It's just a bit worn out, if you don't mind..."

Then, the shopping guide handed over an umbrella to An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer was stunned for a moment, feeling warm in her heart. Although there are sometimes bad people in this world, there are indeed more kind-hearted people in this world.

"Thank you." An Xiaoer raised a bright smile, took the umbrella from Miss Shopping Guide's hand, and finally ran away.

On the way, passing a supermarket, An Xiaoer thought that since Mo Shenhan had a stomach problem, he must be hungry, so he needs something to eat, right?
So, I hurried to buy some things inside, and then hurried back.

Although the shopping guide lady gave her an umbrella, An Xiaoer didn't hold it up because it was inconvenient to carry an umbrella while running.
Mo Shenhan's stomach problem was really serious. At this moment, he frowned in pain. He waited for a few minutes, as if he had waited for a century.

When will An Xiaoer come back?Will you come back?After all, he said, "Even if you die, it has nothing to do with you."

Could it be that An Xiaoer left after hearing this and never came back?

There was some sadness in his eyes, and he was still clutching his stomach tightly, and thin beads of sweat had already appeared on his forehead.

Thinking of how An Xiaoer and Chu Qingye were shopping together just now, he was even more concerned about this matter in his heart.

Obviously just go shopping!
But why, his heart is so restless?
Loving someone is like this, full of infinite tension and uneasiness, he is really afraid, very afraid that what happened a year ago will happen again, very afraid that An Xiaoer will leave again!

Until... the car door was pulled open, and he saw An Xiao'er came back drenched, with two plastic bags and an umbrella in her hands, but the umbrella obviously didn't look like it had been used .

"Hurry up, take the medicine!" An Xiaoer looked at the instruction manual, and then gave Mo Shenhan two medicines as the instruction manual said.

(End of this chapter)

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