Chapter 306

Just when Luo Qingfeng was surrounded by the three girls, Brother Hou and the rogue Daxian did something unexpected: they entered the wing room of Chen Hui and Bing Lingding, and sneaked into the room. He took out the jug of wine.

"Hee hee... I heard from that wretched man that it contains the extremely famous strong aphrodisiac 'Love Threads'. This kind of treasure should not be wasted..." The rogue immortal's eyes lit up.

"What are you going to do with it?" Brother Monkey asked puzzled.

"I'm also thinking, how can it be more fun..." The rogue Daxian rolled his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yes, let's just drop this pot of wine and let the two How about a guy who reaps the consequences?"

Brother Hou was immediately happy when he heard this, "Good idea, this idea is simply too ingenious, let's do it!"

As they said, the two held the jug of wine, and while Zhuxiashui was out looking around, they secretly replaced the jug in Zhuxiashui's room.

"Next, just wait and see the good show!" Brother Hou and the rogue Daxian couldn't stop laughing.

During this time, Chen Hui and Bing Ling had already left the Qunfang Pavilion, and even discovered a big secret.When they first arrived at the Qunfang Pavilion, they had already noticed two people with strange movements appearing here, and Bing Ling calculated the time, and it was just right.

"Damn Chen Hui, tell me, are those two people we are looking for?" Bing Ling pulled Chen Hui's hand.

Chen Hui frowned, observed carefully, and affirmed: "Those two are so low-key, and their faces are very strange, and the one on the left has a faint devilish energy in his body. Although he was restrained, I can sense it. .I think it should be the two of them, yes!"

Bingling was overjoyed immediately: "Let's go, let's follow them and see what's wrong here!"

While speaking, Chen Hui and Bing Ling had followed the two people who were moving strangely to a side room.Chen Hui and Bing Ling quietly got into the next room, and hid in a corner to listen intently.

After the two people entered the room, they searched around cautiously, and only after confirming that no one else was present did they start talking.

But I heard the person on the left say: "What do you mean by asking me to come to this kind of place?"

"Do you know that the Beidou Alliance has already noticed the anomaly, and found a lot of people to follow us, but fortunately they were all eliminated. Do you want to expose the whole thing?" Another person said, "How important this matter is, I must You know better than me. How many resources have been diverted from above to buy so many such good healing medicines! Although there are many people here, it is also a good place to hide people's eyes!"

"So, what do the people above say?"

"The day before the Demon Slaughtering Conference must be the time when the guards are the tightest, so our boss thinks that it is not appropriate to take action at that time." The person on the right said, "The day of the Demon Slaughtering Conference is the time when the guards are most relaxed. Those people who were arrested were all detained on the fourth floor of Mount Yao. We have to discuss carefully how to rescue them with the least cost..."

Immediately afterwards, the voices of the two became smaller and smaller, but Chen Hui and Bing Ling could no longer hear them, so they had to give up.

Afterwards, those two people left Qunfang Pavilion in the blink of an eye, and then went all the way away, while Chen Hui and Bing Ling followed far behind, very nervous, for fear of being discovered.

Those two people were obviously very vigilant. Under the cover of the dazzling streets and night in Huaizhou City, they circled several times before finally passing straight in a certain direction.

Chen Hui and Bing Ling followed, and when they saw clearly where the two finally entered, they were shocked: "Feihong Gate?"

This Feihong Gate is one of the many forces that have taken refuge in Yaoshan, so why did it collude with the people of the Demon Race?

Chen Hui and Bing Ling came outside the Feihong Gate, but saw that restrictions had been set up all around, if they broke in, they would definitely be discovered.

The two suddenly fell into a dilemma, so they had to hide in a corner not far from the door.

Not long after, a group of people came not far away, but they were all big and three thick, strong men. These people were extremely sturdy, and they exuded devilish energy all over their bodies. They were obviously authentic demons.

According to Chen Hui's induction, these people's cultivation bases are at least at the late stage of the Demon Transformation Realm, and their strength is not weaker than that of the monks at the late stage of the Dao Control Realm.

"There are so many strong people, but they are all hidden in this small Feihong Gate?" Chen Hui was stunned.

"According to what they mean, they want to rescue those demons who were caught and held on the fourth floor of Mount Yao?"

Chen Hui pondered for a while, and then said: "I think it's a small matter for them to save people, the most important thing is to destroy this 'Slaughtering Demon Conference'!"

"How to say?" Bing Ling asked suspiciously.

"Look, as the name suggests, the main purpose of this Demon Slaying Conference is to 'slay demons'." Chen Hui analyzed, "Think about it, this conference was originally the most important scene for the world to declare war on the demons, and the most critical The key point is to cut off the heads of many demons; the demons expended so much effort to rescue them, just to make the Demon Slaying Conference have no demons to slaughter!"

"What a sinister demon race!" Bing Ling said angrily, "What shall we do next?"

"Yes, what should we do?" A familiar voice suddenly came from behind Chen Hui and Bing Ling.

"Oh my god!" Chen Hui and Bing Ling were so frightened that they almost jumped up, and Chen Hui almost shot it with a blow.

"Good apprentice, why are you still attacking Master?" The speaker was an old man, wearing a ragged robe with a wine gourd tied around his waist, who wasn't Taibai?

When Chen Hui saw Taibai, not only did he not show joy, but he was furious: "Old man, why are you making trouble!"

"Hey, it's really a dog who bit Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart. Master, I'm here to help you complete the task so that you can marry a wife, but you still blame me..." Taibai rolled his eyes strangely.

"We can handle it ourselves, what are you doing here?" Bing Ling said angrily.

Taibai lay in the corner leisurely and contentedly, shaking his legs and said, "Aren't you afraid that you will be ashamed if you fail to complete the task? If I lose my life from now on, and the other one is crying in front of me every day, I won't have to pass this day!"

"Ghosts are crying in front of you!" Bing Ling wrinkled her nose and said coquettishly.

"Originally, I wanted to take care of these people for you, so which sect would dare to say 'no' to your marriage?" Taibai stretched his waist, and was about to stand up, "Okay, okay, If you don’t welcome me, I’ll leave here, and you don’t want to make great contributions.”

"Don't, don't..." Bing Ling hurriedly pulled Taibai back: "Grandpa Taibai, I know you are the best for us, just help us!"

Chen Hui curled his lips: "Bing Ling, don't you want to marry me, why are you starting to worry again?"

"You!" Bing Lingqi pursed her lips hummingly, her face flushed, "I'm ignoring you!"

Chen Hui laughed out loud.

"I don't know what's going on with Qunfang Pavilion now," Bing Ling hurriedly changed the subject, "We just slipped away, we didn't even pay for the meal, so nothing will happen, right?"

"Don't worry, at Qunfang Pavilion, I'll leave Ha Daxian to watch." Taibai stretched again.

(End of this chapter)

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