Burning with rage

Chapter 317 The Fairy Chases Tianbao Rabbit

Chapter 317 The Fairy Chases Tianbao Rabbit

In the early morning of late autumn, there was already a chill.

The green grass on the mountain has turned dark and is covered with a thin layer of frost.

Among the flying yellow leaves, a fluttering figure in red was walking slowly in the mountains, it was Bing Ling.

For some reason, when she woke up this morning, Bing Ling always felt a little uneasy, so before she left, she came to Chen Hui's door, wanting to take a look at him before leaving.

Inside the house, Chen Hui slept like a dead pig, snoring loudly.

Seeing Chen Hui like this, Bing Ling couldn't help but cursed inwardly in disgust: "This dead guy, he slept so soundly! He didn't know he was here to see me off."

She gently covered Chen Hui with the quilt, and Chen Hui turned over and arched himself, making Bing Ling a little dumbfounded.

Looking at Chen Hui's familiar face, Bing Ling smiled sweetly, then suddenly bent down and kissed Chen Hui's lips lightly.

"Damn Chen Hui, this mission is too dangerous, you have to come back safe and sound!" Bing Ling whispered cautiously, as if she wanted to tell Chen Hui, but she was afraid of waking him up. Talk to yourself.

When the first ray of sunlight came in in the morning, Bing Ling quietly left and closed the door outside.

The next moment, Chen Hui opened his eyes.

He touched his moist lips, with a hint of sweetness in his heart.Then, his eyes shifted to a small thing beside the bed.

This is a Tianbao rabbit made of straw. Although it is very rough, it is still vivid. It must be made by the clumsy Bing Ling himself.

"What an ugly rabbit." Chen Hui scolded, but carefully picked it up like a treasure, and placed it gently on his chest, his eyes suddenly turned into infinite tenderness.

A trace of sweetness emerges from the bottom of my heart...

The sun outside the house is gradually increasing, and the deep cold autumn is gradually warming up.

Under the sunlight, the sound of birds playing in the mountains and forests comes from time to time, and it gradually becomes full of vitality.

A purple ray of light spanned the sky, dragging a long tail, heading straight for the depths of the Qinling Mountains; beside her, there were two rays of light, one red and one white, which must be what Bing Ling said to follow her Two teachers and sisters.

Running all the way, the three teachers and sisters stopped and stopped until noon the next day before arriving at the destination indicated in the mission.

However, when Bing Ling and the two senior sisters arrived at the scene, they were immediately dumbfounded:
so many people!
In the mountains and plains, all kinds of fairy swords and magic weapons are constantly shuttling, and all the people looking for all over the mountains are fairies from various sects-they all come for Shuifengchai!
There seemed to be thousands of horses galloping past Bing Ling's heart: Fuck me, there are so many people, if I were to scare Tian Baotu away, where would I catch it?

The three of them looked at each other helplessly, then made a discussion, and went to search in places with few people.

At this time, Bing Ling really regretted it, if she knew the result of this mission was like this, she would never come no matter what...

Looking at all kinds of fairies all over the mountains and plains, Bing Ling thought in her heart that a beauty pageant could be held here, so she galloped in one direction helplessly and left the valley in the blink of an eye.

As the ice spirit gradually deepened, the number of female cultivators around gradually decreased.She hovered in mid-air looking left and right all the way, widening her big eyes full of spirituality, only wishing that she could see a trace of Tian Baotu.

However, the truth is often cruel. Another day and night passed, and Bingling had already flown all over the surrounding area, but there was no trace of Tian Baotu.

She was already tired of running around searching like this, and her patience was worn out even more.However, every time she thought of the reward from Shuifeng Chai, she took a deep breath and continued to search.On the third day, Bing Ling decided to go deeper again, to see if Tianbao Rabbit appeared in the deeper depths.

The hard work paid off, and in the afternoon of that day, Bing Ling finally saw a huge rabbit zipping past the forest.

Tianbao rabbit is very different from ordinary rabbits, and it cannot be compared with ordinary rabbits.Back then in Kaiyang Palace, Bingling used a little rabbit to trick Chen Hui, almost causing Chen Hui to be expelled from Beidouya.At that time, the rabbit was just a juvenile, and its blood had just awakened into Tianbao rabbit, so it was not much different from ordinary rabbits.However, this wild adult Tianbao rabbit is not only much larger in size, but also possesses spiritual power, and its speed is extremely fast, comparable to Yujian!In addition, it also has the ability to seek blessings and avoid disasters, which is like a divine help, which is why the fairies all over the mountains and plains cannot find Tianbao Rabbit.

Bing Ling, as a heaven-sent girl with top-quality spiritual roots, and with such rare treasures as Zi Dian, brought Tian Baotu closer, so she was able to find such a trace of that day's treasure rabbit with such a deep blessing.

However, when Bingling started chasing Tianbaotu, it was scared away after all.

"Hey! Stop here! Don't run!" The moment Bingling saw Tianbaotu, she felt that she was so lucky, and excitedly yelled and followed, "Dead rabbit, I have been looking for you so hard. , if you run away again, I will stew you in a pot!"

When the word "stewed" was mentioned, Baotu trembled all over that day, and Sa Yazi ran faster, making Bingling scratch her ears and cheeks anxiously behind.

Back then, Nazhuerduo stewed a Tianbao rabbit alive, and Bingling ate it too; this day the Tianbao rabbit felt the murderous aura, and immediately ran away in fright.

"Dead Rabbit, if you run again, this fairy will really use his trump card!" Bing Ling was so angry that he jumped on the Zidian, "Dead Rabbit, look at the trick!"

Saying that, Bing Ling had already soared into the sky, relying on the blessing of spiritual power to run in the air, but at this moment, the purple electricity flew out like an arrow off the string, and went straight to that day's treasure rabbit.

"Shua—" A purple light shot up into the sky, and then fell straight down, like a meteor falling from the sky, it went straight down!

Bing Ling came to the front panting, but saw that the treasure rabbit was finally intercepted by Zidian that day, and seemed to be a little dazed by the Zidian that had just fallen from the sky.It regained its composure, raised its head and saw the "Purple Lightning" divine sword in front of it, and was immediately attracted, its small three petals moved its mouth, as if it wanted to study what this spiritual sword had to do with it. different.

At this time, Bing Ling had already quietly circled behind Tian Baotu.

The breeze blew by, but the surroundings were silent, only the slight sound of grass blades swaying and rubbing.

Immediately, Bing Ling's heartstrings tensed.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop!
At this moment, a sharp whistle was heard, and a blue spirit sword suddenly struck from a distance with a strong momentum, and its target turned out to be this Tianbao rabbit!
The sharp sound made Tianbaotu instantly alert. After sensing the danger, it turned around and kicked its legs, and disappeared without a trace again in the blink of an eye.

"Who?!" Bing Ling was suddenly out of breath. At this most critical moment, she was about to succeed, but she was actually destroyed by this sudden sword strike!
(End of this chapter)

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