Chapter 320

Just when Bingling was in danger and life and death were at stake, Chen Hui and his party, who were thousands of miles away, were also in extreme danger, and managed to get rid of their mission target by one move - two demon realms. Peak powerhouse.

In this battle, even with the help of Du Shu's formation, Ruan Xinzhi's Nine Nether Snakes, Chen Tao's careful calculations, and Chen Hui's powerful onslaught, it was extremely difficult to win.

After disposing of the corpses of the two demons, the four found a safe place to sit on the ground, panting.

After this battle, they realized for the first time how terrifying the Mozu people were.

I heard that the demons are constantly in war, and the various tribes encourage each other to fight each other; the people of the demons have grown up in life-and-death battles again and again. Cunning, extremely difficult to deal with!

Four people against two people, but they are all scarred and exhausted!
At the bottom of their hearts, they are once again deeply wary of the demon clan that is secretly gathering and may sweep the entire world in the near future, and they are even more worried about the future of the world.

Chen Hui looked at the other three. His second brother, Chen Tao, was hit by a dying blow from one of the strong demons before, and he was seriously injured. Now his strength may drop by half; Ruan Xinzhi is still so soft and beautiful , temperament is compelling, but her face is a bit pale, her Nine Nether Snake consumes a lot of spiritual power, presumably she has already overdrawn her body; as for Du Shu, thanks to the protection of the natal formation, she did not suffer too much damage , but it also consumed most of the array disks that were carried with him, and it was considered to be out of ammunition and food.

Compared with the other three, Chen Hui was the one who was injured the most.

His air blast technique is weird and tricky, and it is impossible to defend against. In addition, when the technique of Yunjian is deployed, the attack power is extremely high, and most of the enemy's main energy is placed on him.Large and small wounds covered the surface of Chen Hui's body. Due to the loss of blood and excessive consumption of spiritual power, Chen Hui felt a little dizzy.Although his wound has been bandaged, it won't heal in a short while.

Several people took out the pills and spirit stones they carried with them, and hurriedly repaired them - the road to Yaoshan here is not very peaceful, and some preparations are still needed.

Just as the four of them were concentrating on cultivation and recovering their spiritual power, a strong palpitation struck from the depths of Chen Hui's soul.

"Plop, plop, plop..."

Heart beating violently!
"I, what's wrong with me?" Chen Hui said to himself.This inexplicable sense of crisis made him extremely uncomfortable, as if he had sensed something.

Suddenly, Chen Hui thought of Bing Ling.

Along the way, Chen Hui and his team also discovered that the demons on the southeast plain were frequently moving, which was already very dangerous.Then... Bing Ling went to the middle of the Qinling Mountains to perform a mission. She was located in the southwest, where there were many mountains and forests, and it was easier to hide people. Maybe there would be a large number of demons hiding there, so it would be even more dangerous!
This feeling of uneasy heart palpitations became more and more intense, Chen Hui didn't care about the consumption of spiritual power, and hurriedly took out the Lingxi jade, cast the magic formula, and checked the situation of Bingling.

Noticing Chen Hui's abnormal behavior, Chen Tao stopped his exercises and asked, "Third brother, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I'm very uneasy. I'm worried about her." Chen Hui's voice trembled slightly.

Needless to say, everyone knew that the person Chen Hui mentioned was that Bing Ling.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Chen Tao reassured, but also seemed a little nervous.

All eyes were on him.

While the spiritual power was surging, the Lingxi jade rose slowly and hung in the air.

Faint rays of light emanated from the Lingxi Jade, and Chen Hui frowned as he sensed the message brought by the Lingxi Jade.

However, at this moment, the light on the surface of Lingxi Jade suddenly disappeared, but it fell down with a "ding".

A pair of trembling hands caught the consonant jade.

Everyone looked at Chen Hui, but found that his face had suddenly turned pale.

"Bing Ling... Bing Ling, she... had an accident!"

Suddenly, the entire mountain forest fell silent.


At the same time, the ninth floor of Mount Yao.

The ninth floor is the highest authority in Yaoshan, and it is also where the three great families of the Zhu family, the Chang family, and the Luo family live.

In the dark night, a floating white figure walked on the path and gently knocked on the door of Luotiantian.

Luo Cangtian stretched his waist, and then opened the door. When he saw the person outside the door, he was taken aback: "Madam Yu, why did you come to Mount Yao?"

"Not welcome?" Mrs. Yu walked into the room on her own, and saw that the antique calligraphy and paintings, all kinds of spiritual weapons and magic weapons in the room were neatly arranged, with a special flavor, she couldn't help sighing: "You really know how to enjoy it." Well."

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be!" Luo Cangtian said politely, "Compared to Mrs. Yu, it's a big witch."

Madam Yu raised her hand, stopped Luo Cangtian's words, and then said: "Stop talking nonsense, let me directly explain the purpose of my visit."

Luo Cangtian asked Mrs. Yu to sit down, and said, "Please speak."

"You have already started to do that matter?" Madam Yu frowned, "Are you sure you want to do this? Are you not afraid of Lingjun's revenge?"

When Luo Cangtian heard Madam Yu's words, his expression changed drastically, and he asked sharply, "How do you know about this?"

"Since I know this, it means that I am well-informed and have gained the trust of the higher-ups." Mrs. Yu said forcefully, "Since we all know it well, let's open the skylight and speak clearly. This is still a question, how do you answer it?"

"Madam Yu!" Luo Cangtian stood up abruptly, and said with a sneer, "You don't care, it seems a bit too much."

"Luo Cangtian!" Mrs. Yu snorted coldly, "The old man of the Luo family can't even talk to me like that, who are you? The Luo family is full of heroes, but you are such a scum!"

"Who are you calling a scum?" Luo Cangtian's face darkened, and he said: "Aren't you also demoted to work in the mortal world? You still have the face to criticize me?"


"What are you?" Luo Cangtian sneered, "You can't interfere with this matter, I advise you to stop thinking about it, I won't reveal a word to you."

Madam Yu's face turned blue with anger, "I advise you to turn around earlier, so as not to cause a catastrophe."

"This is beyond your control." Luo Cangtian took a sip of tea leisurely and said, "As for Mrs. Yu, I hope you will not interfere in my affairs. We are all doing things for the Emperor of Heaven, and we are all doing things for the War faction , there is no need to strangle you to death, right?"

"Hmph, if you don't listen to the beauty, you will suffer in front of your eyes." Madam Yu stood up, turned around and walked out of the door, "If you continue to be obsessed with your obsession, I'm afraid you will get deeper and deeper in the future. Sooner or later, you will regret it one day. "

"Don't worry, I will live a good life." Luo Cangtian smiled and watched Madam Yu walk out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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