Burning with rage

Chapter 330 Ice Spirit's Jedi Counterattack

Chapter 330 Ice Spirit's Jedi Counterattack

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

The three of Chen Hui finally escaped from each other's territory, but fell into a predicament again because the boss of the opponent arrived.

His heart was extremely anxious.

Bing Ling, how are you doing?


The cold raindrops shot down like arrows, beating the mud mercilessly.

Even the sky became muddy.

Bing Ling's delicate body trembled in the piercing icy rain; her wet hair stuck to her pale cheeks, making her look more and more frail and embarrassed.

He never expected that Blood Fang, the leader of the Blood Killing Trio, would catch up so quickly!

Bingling plucked up the courage to fight the opponent for several rounds, but was still seriously injured and retreated.

So, she adopted the old trick and escaped!
Bing Ling checked all the clothes on her body, fearing that her body would be stained with the other party's blood again; however, the other party acted like a god, as if he had grown eyes, and was able to surround himself with the shortest distance.

What is going on here? !

Now, the spiritual power in Bing Ling's body is rapidly consumed, and she is getting less and less respite—if this continues, she will really be exhausted to death!

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, illuminating Bing Ling's pale, dusty face.The red gauze was clinging to her delicate body, making her extremely haggard.

If you don't fight to the death, it will only get worse and worse!
Bing Ling gritted her teeth and fought hard!
Thinking of this, Bing Ling resolutely turned around and rushed towards the way she came from...

The rain in late autumn is getting bigger and bigger.

Blood Fang licked his lips, and chased in Bing Ling's direction: "Girl, you can't escape my palm!"

At this moment, a ray of purple light was reflected in Xue Fang's pupils.

Xue Fang, who was still in a relaxed state, tensed up instantly: "This Bing Ling is so courageous, she rushed back!"

The cunning old man like blood teeth almost fell victim to Bing Ling's sudden return!

There was an ear-piercing sound of iron and steel clashing, and Bloodfang's barbed sword rose urgently, deflecting the sudden purple lightning.

"Girl, you have successfully angered me!" Xue Ya opened his eyes wide with anger, grabbed the big knife and rushed towards the red figure in the distance.

However, when he rushed to Bingling, Xueya was startled by the scene in front of him:

In the wind and rain, the gust of wind made the red dress tremble violently.

A gaze pierced through the turbulent wind and rain.

There is no trace of cowardice when running away, but the firm eyes that see death as home.

"Today, either you will die, or I will live!" Bing Ling's eyes were like torches, and his face was as handsome as a knife.

"Boom—" A powerful air wave emanated from his body majesticly.

The bright red skirt was blown up by the air waves and flew away!
A ray of purple lightning rose from the sky, as if traveling through time and space, pointing directly at it.

The whole world seemed to slow down.

The tip of the sword gently pierced through the icy autumn rain, splitting it in half.

At the junction of gold and water, traces of electric light bloom, as if rapidly growing tree roots are intertwined and complicated.

The dazzling sword glow contained Bingling's unique heavenly spirit root and surging aura, illuminating Xueya's face.

Immediately afterwards, the Spirit Sword Zidian suddenly sped up!
Countless rainwater was crossed by the purple lightning, and the rainwater and electric light splashed!

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of Xueya.

In Xueya's eyes, there was an inexplicable solemnity.

Unexpectedly, that guy's delicate body still retains such a huge amount of energy!
"Roar..." Xue Fang roared angrily, and the barbed sword spun, with a silver light on the blade.

A pair of hands with tangled muscles firmly grasped the barbed sword, and greeted the Zidian!

The raindrops fled away one after another, leaving only countless rain and fog in the entire space!
"Huh, I'm so small, I also want to... woo..." Xueya was quite proud at first, but his voice suddenly trembled.

What Xueya didn't expect was that in the countless rain and fog, countless tiny electric lights were connected together and rushed towards his body!

At the same time, Zi Dian jumped up again, and tapped countless times towards Blood Fang with incomparable speed...

"Ugh!" Xue Ya was paralyzed by the electric shock and suffered a great loss, and then he was overwhelmed and was pierced by the purple lightning!

"court death……"

Xue Ya gritted his teeth, he ignored the wound running through his lower abdomen, and rushed up like crazy holding the barbed knife!

"Om--" The ear-piercing clashing sounds continued, and the surrounding rain was shattered and spread, turning everything around into a mist.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Xueya clenched his teeth, and slammed down the barbed sword crazily, overwhelmed!
Bingling pinched her fingers into a sword, and mobilized Zidian to protect herself again and again, but blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

With a muffled groan, Bing Ling finally couldn't bear the opponent's critical blow, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and backed away abruptly!

Her head drooped, as if lifeless.

Zi Dian surrounded her, baring its teeth and claws.

Then, she raised her head.

The gaze that regarded death as home, pierced over, like a god of death in the rain!
"Ah—" Bing Ling roared wildly, and Zidian lit up again.

That weak light gradually enlarged, diffused, and then diffused again, and suddenly it was extremely dazzling!
Yun sword!

At this moment, under the crisis of life and death, Bing Ling understood the "Ziyun Jue" and Chen Hui's "Red Flame Jue" in the same sword skills, and broke through the late stage of the imperial realm!

Bingling finally has the power to fight!
The rain-soaked hair flew up in all directions, and the water droplets attached to it flew in all directions.

Bing Ling screamed coquettishly, revealing those white teeth, and the bright red blood flowing between the teeth.

The clothes, pierced by the powerful Gang Qi, are red in the wind and rain.

"Should die!" Under the guidance of the sword formula, Zidian came through the air!

In Xueya's pupils, there was finally an extra emotion - fear.

Lightning flashed, illuminating his terrified face.

This guy actually broke through at this time?

In his opinion, the deadly sword that pierced through the autumn rain seemed unstoppable!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Xueya roared, and the barbed sword spun again, charging towards the Zidian.

This moment seems like an eternity.

Countless collisions, countless collisions!
Blood flowed from the cracked tiger's mouth; the bulging muscles were also torn apart by the powerful counter-shock force!
As the rain fell, Bing Ling and Xue Fang stood on each side, facing each other from afar.

"I didn't expect you to have such offensive power..." Blood Fang's expression was a little strange.

It seemed that some important decision had been made, and Xue Fang's face became more determined.

"Girl, don't blame me!" He murmured, and then chanted an unknown spell.

In just a split second, billowing devilish energy surged out of his body and soared into the sky!

The magic energy was reversed, and at the cost of damaging his possibility of improving his realm in the future, he delivered the strongest blow!
"Just now, it's just my own strength..."

"Now, let you taste three times the power of before!"

Blood Fang clenched the barbed sword in his hand, and slammed it down from the rainy sky!
(End of this chapter)

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