Burning with rage

Chapter 339 The ugliest smile in the world

Chapter 339 The ugliest smile in the world (big chapter)
The icy autumn rain lashed the ground frantically, and the black mist around Kongyuan became thicker and thicker.

Chen Huiteng got up and rushed to the depths of the abyss——

He has a will to die!

At this time, a strong arm clamped him forcibly, and Yue Wuya's cold voice came from beside his ear: "I have already lost a daughter, but my son-in-law wants to live!"

Saying that, regardless of Chen Hui's struggle, Yue Wuya imprisoned Chen Hui, and then sighed softly.

It seems to be a sigh between heaven and earth.


Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky.

It's raining, it's raining.

After so long, everyone finally returned to Beidouya.

Everyone in Beidouya was dressed in mourning clothes and came to a new tomb in the Beiji Temple.

The sky was gray, and thin rain fell from the sky, and the cemetery became a little bit colder.


Cigarettes linger like clouds and fog.

In front of the tomb, Bing Ling's portrait was erected high.

It was written by an elder Beidouya who was good at calligraphy and painting, and she was vivid in the portrait.

Yue Wuya, Elder Qing Yang, Chen Tao, Qiong Fei, Du Shu, as well as Guan Jingxue, Zhu Haoxuan, Ruan Xinzhi, Qingwei, Brother Hou...all of them stood quietly in front of the tomb with sad expressions .

Elder Qing Yang is already old, and he watched Bing Ling grow up.What happened now has caused him to suffer a great blow, and his whole body has aged a bit; he stood there quietly, with his head bowed, his eyes flushed.

Qiong Fei leaned unruly on a tree not far away, he who talks the most on weekdays, but today he didn't utter a single word.

Ruan Xinzhi is the girl who can't stand this kind of sad scene the most, but today she bravely raised her head and stared at the dark coffin not far away, because this was really the last time she and Sister Bing Ling met. One side.

Even if he is as strong as Zhu Haoxuan, the corners of his mouth twitch and his eyes are red.

As for Yue Wuya, he entertained all the guests along the way, talking and laughing as usual.However, anyone can see that he buried the deepest sadness in his heart deeply, and everything he showed was to hold on.

In the eyes of everyone, the suzerain has always been extremely stalwart, but his body seems a little thin at this moment.

As if he didn't see everyone, he went straight to the coffin.

Elder Qing Yang followed behind.

Thin rain fell from the sky and landed on their shoulders, but they didn't realize it.

"Daughter, are you satisfied with the environment here?" Yue Wuya said softly to the coffin in front of her.

"Daughter, Daddy is here to see you off..." When Yue Wuya said the word "Daddy", his emotions were almost uncontrollable.

Elder Qing Yang blinked desperately, trying to hold back the liquid in his eyes.The hunchbacked old man walked up to Yue Wuya, trying not to cry: "I still remember the little Bingling when I was a child, who liked to watch the stars in the night sky on the lawn of the North Pole Hall. Grandpa Qingyang always carried You sneak out."

Elder Qing Yang's voice trembled a little, "You often clamor to go to see the world outside Beidouya, Grandpa Qingyang will take you out to play, Grandpa is the one who misses you the most..."

Having said this, Elder Qing Yang was already sobbing.

Hearing Elder Qing Yang's sobs, the corners of Yue Wuya's eyes suddenly turned red, and he suddenly turned around, not wanting anyone to see his expression.

Immediately afterwards, Bei Douya's disciples stepped forward one by one to pay respects.

The first one to come up is Bingling's maid Xiaodie, she is Bingling's closest boudoir friend.

Xiaodie looked up, but saw that Bing Ling in the painting had vivid eyes, looking at her with a smile.

This glance made Xiaodie's eye sockets instantly turn red.

"Miss... you just left, but what will Xiaodie do..."

Xiaodie sobbed, and the more she talked, the more sad she became, "In the future, whoever takes Xiaodie to play around, whoever plays with Xiaodie, who will talk to Xiaodie about everything..."

"Miss, Xiaodie doesn't want you to leave..."

The breeze blew, there was a rustling sound from the treetops, and the dead leaves spun and fell.

The second ones to come up were sisters Sun Nongying and Sun Nongyue.

The two sisters are the leaders of Tianxuan Palace, and they have a pretty good relationship with Bingling on weekdays.Today, the first to arrive here are the two sisters.

"Bing Ling, we have played together since childhood, but why did you go so early?"

"Sister, sister really misses you, sister, sister..." At this point, they were choked up and couldn't continue.

One disciple after another stepped forward, sobbing together.

The mournful flute sounded, low and melodious.

Someone shouted loudly: "Into the ground!"

More than a dozen Beidouya disciples moved the huge golden nanmu coffin beside the tomb into the pit.

At this time, a wailing sound suddenly tore apart:

Everyone looked up, only to see a small and exquisite figure jumping out of the crowd and rushing towards Bing Ling's coffin.

It was Fluttershy!

The overflowing tears turned into several streams and flowed down her cheeks. She cried very ugly, but she ignored it completely.

"Miss...Miss, don't go... Xiaodie don't leave you..." Xiaodie hugged the coffin and cried loudly.

Among the crowd, there were sobs one after another.

At this time, a trembling old voice also came out: "Bing Ling——"

That Elder Qing Yang also cried out, and threw himself tremblingly regardless of his image!

More and more people shed tears, and the crying became louder and louder.

At this time, a shout came.


Yue Wuya's voice is extremely heartless, but if you listen carefully, you will find that the voice is hoarse, and every word has a bit of trembling.

Under the eyes of everyone, the huge coffin was slowly put into the pit and then submerged by the soil.


After the funeral, the disciples and elders left the place one after another.

Only Bingling's tomb remained, standing there alone.

Everyone in Beidouya walked all the way, but no one spoke; it seemed that everyone was still immersed in the sadness just now.

At this time, Yang Zizhen from Kaiyang Palace muttered in a low voice: "That Chen Hui, why didn't he come? He was usually on fire with Bingling, but now he has disappeared. Isn't he on good terms with Bingling? Isn't he already engaged? Got it? I think that guy is just a white-eyed wolf!"

Qiongfei was not far from Yang Zizhen, and when he heard this, he couldn't hold back.

He walked up to Yang Zizhen angrily, and shouted loudly: "How many days and nights did Chen Hui not speak or eat, do you know? You are the only one who has feelings, and you are the only one who knows to come to the funeral?"

Qiongfei pointed at Yang Zizhen and yelled, "Say a little more, and I'll tear your mouth apart!"


Tianshu Hall, Chen Hui's residence, was as silent as death.

The normally tidy hut is now sloppy.

There is dust all over the floor, and no one cleans it; domestic waste is piled up all over the floor indiscriminately.Even Chen Hui's favorite Beidouya disciple uniform was mixed in the trash, dirty and tattered.

A bleak and pitiful figure squatted in a corner of the room, curled up into a ball.

Bloody gauze was still wrapped around his body. It was obvious that he was seriously injured and should lie in bed to recuperate.

However, he stubbornly squatted in that corner without saying a word.

His messy hair was tangled up like weeds, covering half of his face.A thick layer of grease and dust had accumulated on that originally playful little face, and those lifeless eyes would break anyone's heart when they looked at them.

He tightened his body, crossed his hands over his knees, and carefully held a simple small wooden signboard.

On the sign, there are six small crooked characters:
Beloved Wife Bingling Tomb.

This is the tombstone that Chen Hui carved for Bingling, no one can touch it except himself!
Chen Hui squatted there obediently, holding the small wooden sign, talking and chatting with Bingling, as if she was sitting beside him:
"Bing Ling, do you still remember that the first time we met was in front of the gate of Beidou Befu in Beidou City." Chen Hui murmured, "It's just that at that time, I quarreled with you..."

"In front of you, the puppy's true nature is revealed."

"What nature?"

"A dog can't change it, eat—shit—ah!"

Chen Hui imitated the funny conversation at the beginning vividly, but at the end, he just opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't laugh no matter what.


"Bing Ling, do you remember that the first time we held hands was after the night at the bottom of the cliff of Shuangjian Peak." Chen Hui revealed a look of reminiscence.

It was dusk, Bingling ran to Chen Hui, grabbed his hand, and shook it back and forth, "Damn Chen Hui, can you do me a favor?"

"Chen Hui is dead, how can I help?" Chen Hui turned his head away.

"Oh, Huo Chen Hui, Huo Chen Hui, do me a favor?" Bing Ling showed a beautiful smile, which stunned Chen Hui: "What's the matter?"

A sly smile appeared on Bing Ling's face. She took Chen Hui's hand for the first time and said, "Let's go to your house. I'm going to do an experiment!"

Chen Hui held the air briefly, the slender and extremely tender catkin seemed to be still in his hand.


"Bing Ling, do you remember that the first time we 'shared the same bed' was in the valley of sinking blood." The corners of Chen Hui's mouth turned up slightly, as if he wanted to show a smile, but the smile was very stiff, like a zombie generally.

That time, Chen Hui and Bing Ling sneaked into Shenxue Valley, and they were arranged to spend the night in a dilapidated small house by a guy named Wang Haomai.

Bingling stretched her waist, feeling very comfortable, just about to lie down, but saw Chen Hui sitting on the edge of the bed, she was so startled that she sat up immediately, "Chen Hui, sleep on the floor for me, if you dare to get close to me in the future Within feet, I'll kick you away!"

As a result, the next morning.

"Ah~~~~!!" A scream flew up into the sky.

"Damn Chen Hui, why did you come on the bed, get out of here, get out of here! Ah~~~~~~~"

Chen Hui felt a pain in his body, opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he had run to the bed, and his body was still pressing on Bing Ling's arm, making her unable to move.At this time, Bing Ling was pushing Chen Hui's body vigorously with the other arm.

Chen Hui fell into blissful memories. The scenes that happened once seemed to be just yesterday.


"Bing Ling, do you remember, not long ago, under the witness of all the disciples of Beidouya, I proposed to you." Chen Hui finally burst into a smile, showing fascination.

After Chen Hui fought to the death and defeated Luo Qingfeng, under the eyes of everyone, he knelt down on one knee and said seriously to Bing Ling: "Bing Ling, although I don't have a very good family background, nor do I have a huge family background. Power, but I am willing to give my all for you."

"I hope that I can spend my whole life loving and protecting you, not letting you get hurt at all, let alone letting you suffer the slightest grievance!"

Chen Hui held Bing Ling's hand, stared at her intently, and said loudly: "Bing Ling, will you marry me?"

Chen Hui's voice was released to the entire sky mirror platform by the amplifying circle. Everyone held their breath, and the whole scene became silent.

Even the birds on the branches stopped singing, as if expecting something.

"I..." Bing Ling's voice resounded through the audience, choked with sobs.Her pretty face was slightly flushed, and she opened those charming big eyes, looking at Chen Hui intently.From Bing Ling's eyes, Chen Hui read a bit of shyness, a bit of anticipation, and more of gentleness.

She slowly opened her small cherry mouth, revealing her white teeth, with a bit of shyness in her words: "I am willing."

"Wow—" all the disciples of Beidouya were excited.At that moment, the entire Tianjing Platform was almost overturned by such cheering crowds!


He raised his head and looked at the small wooden sign in front of him.

"Bing Ling, we have agreed that we will get married and have children, and live happily ever after!" Chen Hui held the small wooden sign tightly, two lines of tears slid down his dirty face, "But now, I You have already returned to Beidouya, how about you?"

Chen Hui's voice trembled uncontrollably, "Bing Ling, where are you?"




Beidou Ya, the highest point of the Arctic Hall.

Here is the Beidouya Council Hall, where many palace masters and elders of Beidouya discuss their affairs.

"The Emperor of Heaven has a decree—"

Two sword lights descended from the sky, and the elders, hall masters and disciples of Beidouya greeted them.

The people who came were a man and a woman, the man was Luo Qingfeng, as for the woman—it was Zhu Xiashui.

According to Luo Cangtian's wishes, now that Bingling is dead, it's time to bring the relationship between Luo Qingfeng and Zhu Xiashui to the surface, and it's time to stand up to the sects.

Chen Hui raised his head slowly, and was obviously taken aback when he saw Luo Qingfeng and Zhu Xiashui who came to announce the decree.

"Recently, the demon-slaying alliance was established, and the demons are ready to move. Many sect disciples have taken the lead and contributed to the great cause of demon-slaying..." Luo Qingfeng chanted the content on the jade card in his hand, "Chasing the seal Fairy Bingling is a martyr who resists demons, and she will be rewarded with a purple, gold and jade medal! Here it is!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xiashui took out an exquisite little jade tablet from his bosom, and said, "Bingling's fiancé, Chen Hui, please come and receive the reward!"

Chen Hui looked up, but saw that Zhu Xiashui's face was crystal clear, but it was because of the reward for catching Tianbao rabbit - Shuifeng hairpin pinned in her hair.

"Purple Gold Jade Card?!" Chen Hui strode up to Zhu Xiashui, took the tablet, and slapped it into her face, "Bing Ling is worth a Purple Gold Jade Card?! Luo Cangtian didn't come in person, but sent Come here, you two bastards? Shame on you!"

At this time, there was a "slap", and a slap was slapped on Chen Hui's face. It was Luo Qingfeng who said, "If you dare to be so disrespectful to my fiancée, seek a beating!"

Chen Tao and Qiong Fei were about to step forward when they were upset, but they were stopped by the elders of Beidouya.These two people who come to declare the decree are definitely not to be beaten; if Chen Hui goes to fight, it can be forgiven, but if they are beaten by a group, then the Emperor of Heaven will be furious and Beidouya will suffer disaster.

There was a red mark on his face, Chen Hui was furious, and wanted to hit Luo Qingfeng harshly, but Luo Qingfeng dodged and came behind Chen Hui in a blink of an eye, restraining him instead.

Zhu Xiashui stepped forward and stomped Chen Hui's face to the ground.

In the past few days, Chen Hui had been seriously injured.Although under Yue Wuya's compulsion, he was bandaged and given wound medicine, but under the conditions of him not eating or drinking, he was already vulnerable.

At this moment, Luo Qingfeng and Zhu Xiashui could punch him.

"Chen Hui, you disobedient person, it's still too late to admit your mistakes!" Zhu Xiashui was backed by Luo Qingfeng, extremely proud.

"Never admit it!" Chen Hui gritted his teeth.

Zhu Xiashui stomped on Chen Hui's head fiercely, and said disdainfully, "Who did Bingling die because of? You don't know, do you?"

Chen Hui's head was stepped on, and he stared closely at Zhu Xiashui's face.

Even if there are millions of points of anger, they dare not express the slightest bit.

He recalled what Zhu Xiashui said just now, and was taken aback.Chen Hui opened his eyes wide, stared blankly at Zhu Xiashui, opened his mouth slightly, and murmured: "Bingling... because of whom..."

Zhu Xiashui bent down, brought the face with crooked nose close to Chen Hui's eyes, and said slowly, "If you want news about Bingling, just smile, as long as you smile nicely, I'll tell you. "

Chen Hui raised his head, his face was covered with mud, and his muscles were twitching uncontrollably.

Isn't it just a laugh?
What's so hard about this?
The next moment, he grinned, and the dirt fell from his face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Tears welled up again from his eyes that had dried up from crying.

This laughter is so stern!

For the first time, I realized that laughing is such a difficult thing.

Looking at everything in front of him, Zhu Xiashui sneered: "Just kidding, how could I know anything? Besides, you smile so ugly, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you!"

"You fucking bitch, I can't take it anymore!" At this moment, a huge figure rushed out from the crowd, but it was Chen Hui's eldest brother——Chen Yue!
"Zhu Xiashui, you bastard, shut up!" The blood knife was unsheathed, and Chen Yue was about to make a move.

At this time, Zhu Xiashui bent down again, and said to Chen Hui playfully, "You don't want to know about Bingling?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Xiashui let go of the foot that was holding Chen Hui's head.

"Bing Ling..." Chen Hui muttered to himself, threw himself at Chen Yue's feet like a dog, hugged Chen Yue's thigh tightly, and begged desperately, "Big Brother, Big Brother! Big Brother, don't hit her, Don't hit her..."

At this moment, Zhu Xiashui glanced at Chen Hui coldly, his face was full of disdain, and he softly uttered a word: "Laugh!"

Chen Hui turned his head and looked at Zhu Xiashui.

His mouth was wide open again, this smile was uglier than crying.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

He smiled, laughed, laughed!

Smile happily!

Chen Hui burst into tears, opened his mouth wide, looking crazy like a ghost.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Xiashui seemed satisfied with all of this: "If there is any news, I will send someone to tell you, but don't let your laughter stop!"

Turning around, Zhu Xiashui flew away with the breeze.

All that was left behind was the incomparably miserable laughter that was worse than crying, echoing and surrounding in front of Beidouya's meeting hall...

 Starting from the next chapter, Zhuxiashui will be destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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