Burning with rage

Chapter 349 Unreasonable Guilt

Chapter 349 Unreasonable Guilt

While Chen Hui was talking with the two maids, Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei, an unexpected visitor came outside the courtyard.

After seeing this person, Uncle Yu panicked all of a sudden: "Miss, miss! You...why are you here?"

"Why, am I not allowed to come?" There was a bit of arrogance in the voice of the uninvited guest.

It turned out that the person who came here was the "beautiful and beautiful" lady who sent two maids, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, to "test" Chen Hui-Xinyi Fairy!
Cold sweat dripped down Uncle Yu's face, he thought to himself that I managed to fool the new uncle into looking forward to it, if you show up now, it's a trivial matter for the uncle to regret the marriage, if you're scared to death, then you're really not an old slave wrong...

Hence, Uncle Yu followed Xinyi closely all the way, fearing that this usually eccentric and disorderly lady would really break into Chen Hui's new house all of a sudden.

"Miss, now is not the time to meet..." Uncle Yu tentatively tried to persuade him, but the other party stared at him sharply, causing Uncle Yu to swallow the words back.

"Fairy, bear with it. When the wedding night comes, you can do whatever you want, but you can't do it now!" Uncle Yu began to give advice to the young lady again, "Miss, I can't bear to make big plans..."

"That's not it!" Fairy Xinyi showed a nympho-like eyes, revealing a mouthful of jagged teeth, "You don't care, I'm going to see the handsome guy!"

Speaking of this, Fairy Xinyi had already arrived at Chen Hui's door.

Yu Bo looked at Fairy Xinyi standing at the door, the cold sweat that seemed to flow endlessly came down again, and he thought: It is not easy for me to persuade the new uncle, if the young lady really shows her face, then it will be true. Everything is over!

At this moment, Yu Bo felt the most serious fear in decades.

Miss, it's okay for you to make trouble. If this marriage is really messed up, how can you explain it to the other major forces in the city?
It's okay to say other things, you can look for him if you don't have a uncle, but...but, where will the city lord put his face?Could it be that you are trying to recruit relatives again?
Sad Fairy Xinyi, she just stood at Chen Hui's door, before anyone went in, this Uncle Yu was already worried and frightened, and even imagined that Chen Hui would reject this marriage and leave Fairy Xinyi where she was Consequences.

As for Chen Hui, he is still imagining the stunning beauty of Fairy Xinyi!
Indeed, even Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are so beautiful... Although it is a bit weird, then, how beautiful is this real daughter who is sought after by thousands of people?
In the gentle hometown of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, Chen Hui was tortured to death by these two women. How come these two guys are like nympho, trying to mess with him?Could it be that Fairy Xinyi also has this kind of virtue?
Thinking of this, Chen Hui couldn't help but fight a cold war.

At this moment, Uncle Yu's call sounded outside the door, and the maids Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai went out in a blink of an eye, and Chen Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief: "This Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are so enthusiastic that people can't bear it." The guy who can't do it, finally left..."

When the room became quiet again, Chen Hui also calmed down.

Thinking back on what happened just now, he always felt a little uneasy.

He had the intuition he had before the startling catastrophe—

Fairy Xinyi, is she really as beautiful as fish and wild goose in Yu Bo's depiction, with a closed moon and shameful flowers?
This uneasiness is so strong that besides doubts about Fairy Xinyi, there seem to be other elements involved.

what on earth is it?

As everyone knows, since Chen Hui woke up, it was Yu Bo's hype-filled description, which made Chen Hui stunned for a while, only thinking that he had taken advantage of the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai walked in. These two stunning maids not only had a good figure, but also had one of the best looks—except for the bad taste of black and white.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai really interpreted the word "nymphomaniac" to the extreme. This enthusiastic "hands and feet", wishing to stick their entire bodies on it, made Chen Hui's hair stand on end and it was difficult to deal with it.

The two girls couldn't say anything bad about Fairy Xinyi, so they naturally chose to talk. The delicate whispers in Chen Hui's ear kept talking. How could Chen Hui have time to think quietly?
After these two hard-to-handle guys left, it was the first time since Chen Hui lost his memory that he was alone in a quiet situation.

When there are many people, the feeling is still very weak; but now that everyone has left, Chen Hui finally has time to think about some things.

Somewhere in Chen Hui's mind, a strong uneasiness suddenly emerged.This uneasiness not only made the warning in Chen Hui's heart stronger and stronger, but also made him feel extremely guilty and guilty.

Is it right or wrong to do this by yourself?
His intuition told Chen Hui that if he really married the legendary "beautiful" fairy Xinyi home, he would definitely regret it, regret it very much!
This intuition is so strong, as if warning himself, Chen Hui's spirit becomes more and more tense.

Although he has forgotten everything about Bing Ling in the past, but deep in his heart, there is still such a vague shadow that occupies his entire body and mind, and is firm and indestructible.

In his heart, he absolutely cannot give way to other women!

Thinking of this, Chen Hui secretly made a decision.

He decided to follow the wishes of his heart——

It seems that he has a mission to come here.

It would be great if I could find my previous memories, know who I am, where I came from, what people I cherish, and then what I do here!

Even if there is only a tiny bit, he will be very grateful to God!

Chen Hui finally made up his mind to leave here. For him now, the most important thing is nothing else, but to get back his memory!
Just when Chen Hui was thinking quietly in the room, after a few breaths, he figured out the cause and effect, and decided to follow his heart and leave here, Fairy Xinyi outside the room saw her two personal maids—Xiao Hei, noob.

"Black and white, how about it?" Fairy Xinyi raised her eyebrows, as if she couldn't wait.

"Jun, he's simply too handsome," Xiao Hei said first, "That guy is so strong, with muscles all over his body, very strong; his shoulders are very broad, and he has a very cute little face, it's really impressive. My heart beats when I saw it!"

"And his voice, it's so nice!" Xiaobai also interjected, "Think about it, such a handsome man, his voice is even more handsome than his appearance, how attractive is this?!"

"In my opinion, Lu Renjia and Lu Renyi are far behind him!"

"Really?!" Fairy Xinyi said with great surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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