Chapter 356

A stool is firmly tied to the girder in the house.

A person was firmly tied to the stool tied to the girder.

Chen Hui raised his head, his pitiful face was full of despair.

God, can you stop torturing me like this?
"Msister, don't think about running away anymore, we won't leave you an inch now no matter what." Xiaobai said with a serious face, "It's really a toast and you don't eat or drink fines, originally you could still walk around the house Move, now, you can't even move if you want to!"

"I said yes, Mr. Chen Hui, you say you, why do you want to run away so much?" Xiao Hei's face moved closer to Chen Hui, and said with concern: "Tell me, what's wrong with marrying my lady? If you have money, you will live comfortably for the rest of your life..."

Chen Hui's ears were filled with Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's white-faced and black-faced chattering brainwashing, and his heart was filled with grief and indignation: "When will this day be the end?!"

"It's almost there, there's still a day and a half to go!" Xiao Hei said enthusiastically, "When you and Miss get married, you won't want to run away then!"

"Who said that, I'll still slip away!" Chen Hui is also a dead pig, not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, so he simply says whatever comes to his mind.

"At that time, you will still be locked up and tied up here!" Xiao Bai said coldly, "I can't even understand the words. If you behave yourself, who would watch you like this!"

"But, how can there be such a forced marriage!" Chen Hui wanted to cry but had no tears.

While being bombarded by Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai indiscriminately beside his ears, he was looking forward to the reappearance of Liao Gangjun; Chen Hui spent a day and a half, which was longer than a year and a half.

Unexpectedly, for some reason, Liao Gangjun suddenly became obedient and never appeared in Chen Hui's eager expectation, which made Chen Hui very annoyed.

I knew this guy was unreliable!

Time passed little by little, and the day of getting married finally arrived.

Early in the morning, the servants in the entire mansion got busy, and in Chen Hui's room, a dozen strong men carried a huge wooden barrel in.

Inside the barrel, there is steaming steam, but it is a fragrant bathing soup.

"Sir, we will untie the rope later, but don't even think about running away, we are both masters at the Dao Realm, you can't escape!" Xiao Bai whispered in Chen Hui's ear.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Hui only felt his tightly bound body loosen suddenly.

He just wanted to move around, but four hands clasped his shoulders in an instant, it was Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai——

"Come on, Mr. Xiang, we will wait for you to take a bath!"

The next moment, Chen Hui felt his body go numb, and then there was a rustling sound, and he was stripped naked.

Immediately afterwards, the world spun around for a while, and Chen Hui opened his eyes again, and he had already entered the oversized wooden barrel.

However, when he looked left and right, he was stunned: Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai also came in!

These two girls really did their duty. They only wore obscene clothes, and the thin clothes were soaked in water, and they fit tightly on the two exquisite and delicate bodies. The rising mist is looming, making people swallow their mouths.

However, Chen Hui seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Oh my god, what is this for..." He cried and thumped about to crawl out.

Unexpectedly, four soft little hands pressed him into the water in an instant, "Be good to me, the lady will come to pick you up later..."

Just like that, Chen Hui was in pain and joy. After being ravaged by this, the two maids, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, personally changed him into the groom's red dress.

Not long after, the welcoming team arrived.

"Please ask the bride to carry the groom into the sedan chair!" A shrill voice came.

Fairy Xinyi stepped into the door with an excited expression on her face, her face with distorted facial features and several hairy moles trembled, it was really exciting.

She immediately hugged Chen Hui who was tightly bound, "Sir, I finally got you!"

Immediately afterwards, there was another whirlwind, and Chen Hui was thrown into the sedan chair by Fairy Xinyi, and then the high-pitched voice sounded again: "The groom has received it, let's go!"

Just like that, Chen Hui embarked on the road of getting married.

The wedding of Chen Hui and Fairy Xinyi shocked the whole Windward City, the streets were full of people, this posture, I am afraid that the presence of the Emperor himself would not be as lively as this!
Everyone was thinking in their hearts, who is so unlucky to marry Fairy Xinyi, ah no, to be "married" home by Fairy Xinyi like this?
Unfortunately, the sedan chair was so tightly sealed that no one could see clearly what was going on inside.

The welcoming team can be described as extremely gorgeous, with a gong at the front to clear the way, followed by a group of folk musicians Chuicuidada, followed by two rows of more than 40 masters of the Royal Dao Period!

This city lord of Yingfeng City can be said to be a local snake, and he has great power here, no matter who he is, he must give him three points of face.

The configuration of the welcoming team has reached the most luxurious level, and the sedan chair is surrounded by masters on both sides, front and back. What idea slipped away at the last minute.

Therefore, Fairy Xinyi gave thousands of reminders, and she was extremely strict with the whole welcoming team. She even said: "You must go around the city fast. The shorter the time, the less likely there will be accidents!"

"As long as Chen Hui is brought here to pay homage to heaven and earth, drink a cup of wine, and then enter the bridal chamber, everything will be safe!" Thinking of Chen Hui's strong body and handsome face, Fairy Xinyi's heart became even hotter.

She was sitting on a tall horse, her face was full of complacency, and she smiled at the jubilant crowd on both sides of the street, she was extremely proud.

As for Chen Hui in the sedan chair, he had a frowning face: Could it be that he really married such a fairy Xinyi?This really doesn't work!

What's more, this is not married by myself, but by the woman riding a tall horse and putting herself in a sedan chair to be trapped in the hall!

This humiliation!
The most unacceptable thing is that the customs here are so tormenting, that Fairy Xinyi actually wants to take her around the city for three weeks!

The entire Windward City is quite huge, and it may take more than an hour to go around the city for one circle. After these three weeks, it may have already reached the afternoon.

Thinking about going around the city for three weeks, Chen Hui just wanted to hit the wall: This is not going around the city for three weeks, it is three weeks of embarrassment!
Just when Chen Hui was really desperate and even wanted to hit his head to death, a voice suddenly came into his mind: "Hey, Chen Hui, the price has increased now, ten high-grade spirit stones, do you want to run away?"

Chen Hui's eyes lit up immediately:

Good guy, isn't this Liao Gangjun? !

(End of this chapter)

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