Chapter 360

What exactly does this "Guardian Disciple" do?

Waking up the next morning, Chen Hui finally understood its true meaning.

"Crack!" A whip sound woke Chen Hui up in pain.

"When are you still sleeping? Get up!" A merciless voice rang out from Chen Hui's ears.

Chen Hui was suffering from pain, he clutched his wound and crawled up, but seeing the tall and thin man holding a whip in his hand yesterday, he got Chen Hui off the bed.

"Crack! Crack!"

The people in the room got up one by one.

It was early morning at this time, and the sky outside was not bright yet, so a large group of men in this room rushed to get up, and then rushed towards the door.

"These guys, are you crazy for wanting to cultivate immortals?" Chen Hui watched these people run out curiously, and he didn't forget to grab someone beside him and ask, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Breakfast, idiot, are you new here?" The guy glanced at Chen Hui contemptuously, and then ran away.

Chen Hui didn't know why, quickly put on his clothes, and followed behind the crowd, but saw that the crowd came to a yard not far away, scrambling to grab something from a big basin in the yard.

"What are they doing?" Chen Hui was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

When Chen Hui came to the big basin, it was already empty.Chen Hui stared blankly at the mess, not understanding what happened.

At this time, a fat man approached Chen Hui, and he asked curiously, "New here?"

Chen Hui didn't understand, so he nodded, "Hi, my name is Wang Wu, you can call me Wang Lao Wu!"

"Another poor guy." The little fat man glanced at Chen Hui sympathetically, and then handed over the small half of steamed buns in his hand: "My name is Er Fatty. Here, I'll give you something to eat, I'm afraid you will carry it on the first day." Can't live."

"Can't bear it?" Chen Hui asked curiously, "When I came, that senior said he wanted me to be a 'Guardian Disciple'! Could it be that this 'Guardian Disciple' has so much cultivation intensity?"

"Don't ask so many questions, you can eat first!" The little fat man was called out by others, and hurriedly stuffed the small half of steamed buns to Chen Hui, and then ran away.

Chen Hui looked at the small half of steamed bun densely covered with embossing, after all, he couldn't overcome the hunger in his belly, so he gnawed it voraciously.

For three days, Chen Hui hadn't eaten a single grain of rice, and he was extremely hungry at this time. The steamed bun that he handed over actually became Chen Hui's savior.

At this time, Chen Hui hadn't come to his senses. He only thought that the resources in this sect were in short supply, and everyone was like this.

Just as Chen Hui stuffed the whole steamed bun into his stomach, the tall and thin man came again, "Now everyone, follow me, line up one by one!"

Following the team, Chen Hui came to a training ground, but saw that there was nothing in the ground, only sand and gravel all over the ground. It didn't look like a place for training?

At this time, the tall and thin man spoke up: "Today, we have a new junior brother——Wang Wu, everyone applauds and welcomes!"

Immediately, there was warm applause, and Chen Hui unconsciously straightened his chest.

"Wang Wu, my name is Gong Ping, you will mess with me from now on, I say one and you can't two, do you understand?!" Gong Ping raised his voice and said very sternly.

"Yes!" Chen Hui replied loudly.

Gong Ping continued: "There are newcomers here today, and I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate everyone's mission and daily training content: You are shouldering the important task of making the new disciples of the sect train their bodies, and it is the hope of the new disciples of the entire sect! The most recent time Here, the most important training for everyone is pure physical anti-strike training!"

"Yes!" Chen Hui continued to respond loudly, but he didn't know that everyone else in the team was lazy, but he was the only one who was full of energy, which made Chen Hui feel a little embarrassed.

"Those who perform well in the training will be promoted to high-level guardian disciples, and the monthly distribution of spirit stones will also be increased from three to four!" When talking about the number of spirit stones, Gong Ping deliberately slowed down, as if to tempt Let's perform a lot and become guardian disciples.

When Chen Hui heard this, he secretly decided in his heart that he must perform well and be promoted to a high-level guardian disciple as soon as possible!
Next, a group of disciples walked into the training ground. They were all dressed in the uniforms of Changle Sect disciples. They looked down upon Chen Hui and others, and Chen Hui only felt very uncomfortable with their eyes raised above the top. .

Gong Ping arranged a guardian disciple for all the disciples wearing gorgeous clothes, and the one in front of Chen Hui was a big and strong man with bulging muscles all over his body.

The strong man was obviously dissatisfied when he saw that he had assigned such a thin guy like Chen Hui, but Gong Ping flattered him several times with a smiling face, and the strong man finally didn't care about it anymore.

As for the other people on Chen Hui's left and right, especially the little fat man named "Er Fatty" who gave him half a steamed bun, they looked at Chen Hui with pity.

"I heard that this big guy is quite fierce!"

"That's right! Do you know who the new Wang Wu is filling in for today? It's a dog! How did that dog die? Do you remember?"

"Isn't that the big guy who beat him?"


Hearing these remarks, Gong Ping was obviously not very happy, he walked over, glared at these gossipers, and then everyone fell silent.

Gong Ping walked up to Chen Hui, and specially whispered in his ear: "Anti-strike training is for you to fight hard, if you can persist in standing under the fists of more people, you may be promoted For high-level guardian disciples!"

"Then, can I hide?" Chen Hui couldn't help asking.

"Although you can resist now, you can't move your legs and feet, and you can't dodge!" Gong Ping's face became serious: "If you want to have the qualification to dodge, find a way to advance! Only senior guardian disciples can hide!"

After finishing speaking, Gong Ping left Chen Hui, walked to the middle of the field, and said loudly: "Next, the training begins!"

Thus, Chen Hui's first day of training in Chang Lezong began.

This training is really very unforgettable, because the big guy in front of him has fists, feet and feet to the flesh, and he is merciless!
Punches, feet, elbows, all kinds of different movements are dazzling, but all these attacks fell on Chen Hui.

Chen Hui gritted his teeth and held on abruptly. Some movements were so violent that he almost spat out the small half of the steamed bun he ate in the morning.

Fortunately, Chen Hui's realm was high enough and his body was strong enough. For ordinary people who had never practiced this kind of punching and kicking, it might be an extremely cruel ordeal, but for Chen Hui's body, it was just pain, not very painful.

However, seeing the big guy on the opposite side gritted his teeth and punched and kicked him, Chen Hui felt a little strange: "This guardian disciple, this anti-strike training, why do you feel something is wrong?"

 Before I knew it, I had already reached the second half of the book; the previous part was too depressing, so this part would be easier; when Chen Hui recovered his memory, it was a continuous orgasm, until the end;

  This book is full of effort, the following plot will be very, very exciting, and the ending will not disappoint you, maybe there will be extreme surprises waiting for you!

  Let's wait and see!

(End of this chapter)

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