Burning with rage

Chapter 364 Wei Hanbing, Training Field Owner

Chapter 364 Wei Hanbing, Training Field Owner

On the training field, the figures of Chen Hui and Wei Qing appeared one after another, and their voices were heard one after another.

Even all the low-level guardian disciples, as well as the disciples who paid spirit stones and came to beat them to vent their anger, all surrounded them.

"Who is this person who can fight Wei Qing to such an extent?"

"Are you blind? This isn't a battle, it's a fight and a hide!"

"God, my eyes are going blind, I can't keep up with their speed..."

"It is said that Wang Lao Wu has not been beaten once so far."

"so smart?!"

Even the fat man was completely convinced: "I want to recognize Wang Wu as the boss, he is simply my idol!"

At this time, two voices of "咻咻" were heard on the field, and Chen Hui and Wei Qing stood still again.

Wei Qing stood not far away and stared at Chen Hui, his chest heaved violently, and his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

As for Chen Hui, he was standing there floatingly, his shabby coarse cloth robe fluttering in the wind, which had a special meaning.

At this moment, Chen Hui turned his head slightly, and glanced at Wei Qing casually.

This look was so contemptuous that Wei Qing almost exploded immediately.

This look contained such a strong meaning of contempt: it's boring to be a training partner for a fool!
Everyone looked at Chen Hui no longer looking at a fool, but full of admiration.

Who is it that can provoke Wei Qing to such an extent?

Could it be that before Chen Hui lost his memory, he was a super expert?
At this time, Wei Qing, who was in a hurry, yelled, "Wang Laowu, just stand there and don't move!"

After all, Wei Qing rushed up again!

Seeing Wei Qing approaching fiercely, Chen Hui thought to himself, "It will be over in one touch, a fool won't move!"

Thinking of this, Chen Hui turned around and fled, but was choked by Na Gongping's words: "Wang Laowu, don't move! Now, I will demote you to a low-level guardian disciple!"

"You're a low-level guy! Downgrade me if you can't beat me?" Chen Hui was furious, "Okay, if you don't move, don't move!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Hui stopped in his tracks and faced Wei Qing head-on!
Although it cannot move, it can resist!
It was too late, so soon, Chen Hui's elbow was already facing the opponent's fist——

"Bang!" Chen Hui didn't move.

However, that Wei Qing retreated a long way, stepping on the muddy ground step by step, the deep footprints showed the strength of Chen Hui's counterattack.

"This..." Wei Qing was dumbfounded, the guy on the other side was able to withstand his full blow!
Not only did he catch it, but the power of the shock made Wei Qing's spiritual power in his body feel overwhelming, and all kinds of nausea and dizziness rushed up, making him forcefully suppress this abnormality: Wang Laowu, I will fight with you up!

Wei Qing roared loudly and attacked again.

With punches and fists and feet that are deadly, Wei Qing has completely disregarded other people's opinions, and he wants to vent all his anger!

Immediately, Chen Hui also began to quickly block Wei Qing's every attack.

Compared with Wei Qing's crazy and disorderly attack methods, Chen Hui's gestures and movements rarely had a trace of special charm, and there was no sense of chaos at all.His movements were not fast, but he blocked all of Wei Qing's attacks, and even used his strength to make Wei Qing fall to the side, almost staggering and falling to the ground.

"You...you..." Wei Qing pointed at Chen Hui, too angry to speak.

The boss's cousin was so angry that Gong Ping couldn't sit still. He quickly ran to Chen Hui and scolded Chen Hui: "Wang Lao Wu, are you against the heavens? Are you what are you doing?!"

Chen Hui raised his small face, revealing big watery eyes, and innocently said to Gong Ping: "Senior Gong Ping, how do you think my anti-strike training is done?"

"Pfft—" Gong Ping spat out a mouthful of blood.

As for Wei Qing, he no longer had the face to stay here, turned around and ran away in despair.

In the evening of that day, Gong Ping called Chen Hui over and cut straight to the point: "Wang Laowu, Wei Hanbing has already known about your matter."

"Wei Hanbing?"

"Well, that's right." Gong Ping said, "The master of this training ground is him; he is also an elite disciple of Changle Sect, with a distinguished status."

"This... what does he know about me?" Chen Hui still seemed a little confused.

"Of course it's about you and Wei Qing today!" Gong Ping said, "Wei Hanbing is Wei Qing's cousin, you think Wei Qing won't go back and sue?"

"Complaint?" Chen Hui was even more puzzled when he heard this, "I didn't mess with him, so why is he suing?"

"You're enough..." Gong Ping patted his forehead, "Anyway, you provoked Wei Qing, now Wei Hanbing wants to see you, come with me."

Hearing Gong Ping's words, Chen Hui realized that he had really caused some trouble, and couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Chen Hui followed Gong Ping to the end of a small road, entered a large-scale palace, turned a few corners inside, and finally came to a rather luxurious hall.

When he stepped into the hall, a strange man was talking to the Wei Qing that Chen Hui met today; Wei Qing seemed to have calmed down, and calmly listened to his elder brother pointing out certain exercises .

At this time, Gong Ping pulled Chen Hui and bowed to Wei Hanbing, then said in a low voice, "Young Master, Wang Wu will bring you here."

Wei Hanbing stopped talking, raised his eyes slightly to glance at Gong Ping, and then said: "Okay, keep Wang Wu, you can go out."

When Gong Ping bowed and retreated, Chen Hui secretly took a look at the appearance of the training ground owner.

As the name suggests, this Wei Hanbing seems to be born with a cold air, which makes people feel cold at a glance.There was no blemish on his handsome face, but he was a very handsome man.

When Chen Hui saw Wei Hanbing for the first time, he felt wary for some reason. Then, a warm current seemed to flow through his body, and the sense of oppression that Wei Hanbing had brought to him disappeared without a trace.

For some reason, Chen Hui always felt that the Wei Hanbing in front of him was nothing more than that, and the threat he posed to him was actually not that great.

However, Chen Hui naturally wouldn't express this strange feeling, but pretended to be very respectful and said to him: "Little Wang Wu, I have seen the two young masters."

"Give me a seat." Wei Hanbing said two words lightly.

Wei Qing moved a chair and placed it beside Wei Hanbing, guiding Chen Hui to sit in the corresponding position, while he stood aside, and said to Wei Hanbing: "Cousin, Wang Wu is here, can we here we go?"

"Start what?" Chen Hui became nervous again after hearing what Wei Qing said.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing!" Wei Hanbing's mouth turned up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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