Burning with rage

Chapter 371 Wei Hanbing's Insidious Showdown

Chapter 371 Wei Hanbing's Insidious Showdown

In the next few days, Chen Hui almost spent in pain and struggle.

The good news is that with Chen Hui's crazy counterattack in the past few days, the hot flow in his body has regained the feeling of new life; and the rooted seed has gradually shrunk because it has not been nourished in the past few days , It seems that it has fallen into a state similar to hibernation.

Although Chen Hui couldn't get rid of this strange thing, he still reduced the heart-pounding pain!

Chen Hui was secretly happy.

At the same time, Chen Hui learned by analogy, and he discovered that the method of generating stellar energy for offense and defense, even if he didn't use this nameless technique, he could use the heat flow that originally belonged to his body to perform it!
The original heat flow in his body was much stronger than Chen Hui imagined, and he could crack a stele and crack a stone with a wave of his hand!
At this time, Chen Hui was almost certain that before he practiced this strange skill, he had another kind of spiritual power in his body, and he had practiced more than one other skill, and it was quite powerful!

To what extent has one's own cultivation reached?
Since the realm of practice cannot be explained clearly in a few words, as Wei Hanbing's attendant, it is difficult for Chen Hui to interact with other disciples in the sect, and it is also difficult for him to ask others about matters related to practice. I had no choice but to keep all these questions in my stomach.

What Chen Hui wants to know now is who is stronger, himself or Wei Hanbing!
Even if he is worse than Wei Hanbing, he can find a way to escape, and then use his original cultivation to obtain an identity from other places!
After thinking about it, Chen Hui had already made a decision to get rid of this guy completely.

Another two weeks passed, and Chen Hui felt that the "seed" in his body was getting more and more withered, and the original heat flow in his body was also increasing, and even recovered to half of the initial level.

And on this day, that Wei Hanbing came again.

"Wang Wu, how is the cultivation method I passed on to you?" Wei Hanbing asked as soon as he entered the door.

Wei Hanbing has been following Wang Wu's movements ever since he passed on the "Heiliu Jue" to Wang Wu.At the very beginning, when Wei Hanbing saw Wang Wuyi plunged into the quagmire of practicing exercises and couldn't extricate himself, the joy in his heart could not be described in words: he, Wei Hanbing, finally had a second rapid promotion. For the opportunity!

Sure enough, when Wei Hanbing assisted Wang Wu in "practicing" last time, the other party really had a strong sense of dependence on him, which made Wei Hanbing even more delighted!On that day, Wei Hanbing took a large amount of spiritual power from Wang Wu's body, and his cultivation level skyrocketed that day, and he gained a lot.

He thought that the "Wang Wu" in front of him would come to him every day sooner or later, and let him "assist" him in practicing!

However, after that day, I waited for one day, two days, three days, five days...

Wei Hanbing became more and more puzzled, how could this guy be so tolerant?

Back then, after I helped Master "practice" for the first time, the old man crawled over and hugged my leg all day long and begged me to help him continue to "practice"!

Two weeks later, Wei Hanbing couldn't hold back any longer; he didn't wait for that "Wang Wu" to come to beg him, but came to find Wang Wu himself, wanting to see the progress of Wang Wu's practice of "Hei Liu Jue".

When Chen Hui saw that Wei Hanbing didn't even say hello, but just barged in as if he was entering his own house, Chen Hui's expression darkened.


When Wei Hanbing approached, Chen Hui felt his body tremble involuntarily, and even the sickly seed in his body was revived.

Forcibly suppressing the abnormality in his body, he said to Wei Hanbing: "Master, next time you come to my place, can you say hello before entering?"

To be honest, Chen Hui's words were already very polite; but to Wei Hanbing, this was an inexplicable provocation.

"When did this Wang Wu become so stubborn?" Wei Hanbing's eyes immediately became sharp, "You are my servant, and I gave you the courtyard you live in; I can come in if I want to, why do I have to ask for it?" Your permission? Do you still consider me your master!"

When he said the last sentence, Wei Hanbing's tone had dropped to freezing point.

"Master?" Chen Hui sneered, "My current status is nothing more than following your servant. However, I will not be reduced to the point where I don't even have any private space for myself."

"Wang Wu!" Wei Hanbing snarled, "Do you still want to live?"

At the moment when Wei Hanbing yelled, Chen Hui felt as if his whole body had fallen into an ice cellar, and the seeds in his body exuded a palpitating aura of destruction, as if if he made any changes, the other party could easily destroy him.

"Wei Hanbing!" Chen Hui resisted the aura desperately, and said, "Don't bully me too much!"

"Your life is in my hands, and you still want to try to resist?" Wei Hanbing's cold eyes focused on Chen Hui again, and he smiled playfully: "Okay, I'll give you a chance. Yes I'll take the shot, if I win, I won't care about you anymore."

Chen Hui was taken aback when he heard this.

Judging from the feeling just now, it is absolutely true that his life is in Wei Hanbing's hands; however, the other party gave him a chance at this time, why is this?
While thinking, he had followed Wei Hanbing out of the door and came to a remote and spacious place.

"Wang Wu, come on, let me try your cultivation!" Wei Hanbing hooked Chen Hui.

Chen Hui sneered, and jumped on it.

In the next moment, fists and feet met each other, Chen Hui tried his best, and the fists poured out like desperately.

Wei Hanbing saw Chen Hui approaching menacingly, his aura rose accordingly, and he resisted with all his strength.

For a while, the sound of "bang, bang" was heard endlessly, and the two of them exchanged hundreds of moves in a blink of an eye.

After a long time, Wei Hanbing began to feel a little strenuous: after all, Wang Wu on the opposite side had a higher level of cultivation than himself. Although he lost his memory, and he still followed his nature and vague experience in some attack skills, but his With profound skills, Wei Hanbing was overwhelmed by the non-stop tilting of his fists and feet.

"This guy is really strong. If he acquires the mind of controlling swordsmanship, then it's okay?" Wei Hanbing became more satisfied with Wang Wuyue in front of him.

He had wanted to see Wang Wu giving his best for a long time, but now he personally tasted the feeling of being beaten.

"Now that I know Wang Wu's attack power, it's time for me to use my own means." Wei Hanbing thought.

The next moment, the situation reversed!

Just when Chen Hui thought he had won the battle and was about to pursue the victory, the seed in his body suddenly released an extremely irresistible breath, which made Chen Hui's movements slow down.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Hanbing stretched out his claws and grabbed Chen Hui's neck: "Boy, you should know that you will never be able to defeat me."

(End of this chapter)

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